Harmless Doper Crushes

Heh. The one time I don’t preview.

So, um, FilmGeek, how you…oh, hell. I can’t do this. I feel so silly. blushes

Giraffe. He is very funny in a particular way that makes me lean towards the computer monitor and open my mouth just a little.

Fionn has always been my crush. It’s a damn shame that she’s not active here much any longer.

Aesiron, FinnAgain, Harimad-Sol, Inigo Montoya, Johnny L.A. No particular order. All harmless, of course, but usually a post by these people makes me smile, think, or laugh out loud… and sometimes giggle like a schoolgirl.

blushes at FilmGeek

Well if it was me I didn’t notice you hitting on me.

If it wasn’t me, I’m really disappointed.

He crushed a Doper. Duh!
Hi Anaamika!

Heh. Any time my posts don’t just make people sigh and say, “Not her again,” I’m pretty happy.

Hey, I love your posts. And for some reason, ever since the day you posted that picture with the bra hanging on the doorknob, I’ve been kinda charmed. The whole picture was so darn cute!

I’m pretty happy when I don’t drive people away when I speak as frankly as I tend to. I don’t IRL. I’m so shy. Online, my inner dorkiness shines through. sigh There are a lot of people on EQ (1 and 2) who have a crush on me, but I think it’s my drop dead gorgeous pixels. I’m not really a dark elf, know what I mean? But if I could get away with wearing that much leather, I would!

blush Thank you. A lot of people apparently liked that picture, which was a pleasant surprise, since I was rather embarrassed when I realized that bra was hanging there!

I always enjoy your posts a great deal. You have this wonderful energy that always comes through. Your descriptions are excellent. You’re really cute, too.

I’m just trying not to think about the leather…too late. :wink:

Initially it was Candid Gamera, because I loved the name and he’s funny. Now it’s Qadgop because he’s so smart and Tolkieny.

Aw, what do you mean I have to share mine? I hate sharing!

I’m pretty sure he already knows, but just in case, mine is Aesiron.

HQ of course doesn’t everyone?

I remember Priceguy being cute from one of the picture threads and now I look for his name in threads. At least I think it was him. I’m bad with names.

I also like fizzestothetop but I never see her post much anymore. Yes, I know she’s a girl. And I’m a girl, and she’s straight and I’m straight. Like I care, she’s still cute.

I also find myself looking for particular posters because I love their usernames. I guess you could call it a name-crush. My favorite right now is clothahump. It just makes me laugh!

Yep I have had a crush on **swimmingriddles{/b] since 99.


Thank Og y’all are more into this now. So, I’ll shyly mention another favorite…

Oh Shibb, do a vanity search, will ya? :smiley:

I’ll confess. Left Hand of Dorkness is, well, adorkable. I think I follow him around without him knowing.

No, not quite. I thought it was unrequited and it’s a very pleasant surprise to discover otherwise.

And thanks to Anastasaeon and Harimad-sol as well.

I have a deep and abiding love for myself which is probably shared by no-one else, so it’s fortunate that it’s reciprocated. Oh, and calm kiwi: not a crush, exactly, but we always seem to run into one another here late at night, and she’s fun to tease.

I prefer Grumpy and Doc, myself. :smiley:

I have GOT to spend more time watching grown up movies… :stuck_out_tongue: