Harris VP choice as she is the official presidential nominee of the Democratic Party for 2024

Who knows what will happen but for the sake of discussion let’s assume Harris is the nominee.

Who do you want and who do you think will be her VP running mate?

Should she focus on swing state governor, shoring up on a possible weakness (vulnerable on immigration), demographic balance, an effective attack dog, other?

List of suggested candidates in post 173

I have a feeling that we’re not ready for a two-woman ticket, so I’m guessing she will pick a man. Pete Buttigieg, perhaps? I’d be perfectly OK with Tim Kaine once again, because that’s actually who I voted FOR in 2016, since I just totally liked him.

I like Buttigieg a lot but I am not sure a ticket with a woman who is Asian and Black and a gay man will work. It shouldn’t be an issue but we know it is.

Want - Whitmer or Buttigieg. They make me feel good when I listen to them.

Think - no idea. Probably a Governor for additional executive experience.

This is good.

This is better.

No strong feelings. Whitmer or Shapiro if I have to choose.

Mark Kelly, maybe? Astronaut versus wannabe hillbilly. I like the odds.

Nice as it brings in a VP from a frontline state. If he could help carry Arizona it would be great.

Though I’m probably prejudice in favor a Navy vet born in New Jersey. And an Astronaut.

Does being an Astronaut still have much cache?

Maybe. I don’t disagree of course.

But making cerebral decisions (does this guy have exec experience?) doesn’t always get people motivated to go vote.

Feeling good makes people do things.

Josh Shapiro seems like a good choice to me.

Like the other poster said abovethread, I think trying to get a black woman and a gay man all elected at the same time is trying to smash too many ceilings all at once.

It’ll be a white straight man.

And, as the husband of a survivor of an assassination attempt, I think that he has particular credentials and insight on gun violence.

Does the VP pick really need executive experience when the candidate already has nearly 4 years under her belt? It’s worth noting the winning 2008 ticket had no executive experience.

It’s all about where she finds her 270. She can lose WI and MI if she holds GA and AZ (and vice versa). Is NC gettable? She needs to decide what specific states are critical to building an electoral college majority and focus every decision (including her VP choice) like a laser on getting them.

A couple of weeks ago I saw Tim Ryan tweet something positive about Kamala and thought he might be a good complement to the ticket

Kelly is a great choice except that it removes a great Senator from a swing state.

I think Whitmer or Shapiro. I know a lot more about the former, since I am from Indiana and have soul family in Michigan.

I think Buttigieg is very likable and should definitely play a prominent role in the next administration. I also don’t think the fact that he’s gay would hurt the ticket much (the bigots are on the other side; same thing with having two women on the ticket). But I think picking someone who can help deliver a state is extra insurance, and both Whitmer and Shapiro seem to be highly competent and popular governors.

I poo pooed this choice in the other thread but I like the guy a lot and he matches up against Vance.

Rep Jeff Jackson is young. He’s good looking with a good looking family. He’s a veteran and is actually still in the Army Reserves. He’s from the South. He’s an expert communicator and has an excellent grasp of the use of social media. And he’s just plain likable.

Of course his negatives are his lack of name recognition and he was able to be gerrymandered out of a job in Congress. I don’t know if party hardliners would like two former prosecutors on the ticket.

Probably don’t need it. I’m just thinking this is a crazy situation and bringing some calm to it would help. Whoever can do that. I think Whitmer brings the exec experience and makes me feel good - she doesn’t immediately come off as a politician when I listen to her.

I’m nervous which way PA will swing, so I’d like Shapiro to stay where he is now.