Poll for Harris's VP pick for 2024 election

I have 17 names from the Harris VP choice as she is the nominee - #173 thread.

Who do you think she should pick to help her win the election?

Kamala Harris’s VP pick
  • Pete Buttigieg Secretary Transportation Age 42 Naval Officer, Mayor of South Bend, Indiana
  • Tim Kaine Senator Virginia Age 66 Former Governor of Virginia
  • Gretchen Whitmer Governor Michigan Age 52 2019 became Governor
  • Josh Shapiro Governor Penn Age 51 2023 became Governor
  • Mark Kelly Senator Arizona Age 60 Astronaut, Combat Missions, husband of a survivor of an assassination attempt, Dem Gov would choose his replacement
  • Tim Ryan NA Ohio Age 51 2003-2023 Congressman
  • Jeff Jackson Congress North Carolina Age 41 US Army Major, still Army Reserve.
  • Roy Cooper Governor North Carolina Age 67 Former NC Attorney General
  • Doug Jones NA Alabama Age 70 Former US Senator 2018 to 2021
  • Gavin Newsom Governor California Age 56
  • Andy Beshear Governor Kentucky Age 46
  • Sherrod Brown Senator Ohio Age 71 He’s extremely pro-worker, pro-union, white middle American dude
  • Jared Moskowitz Congress Florida Age 43
  • Bernie Sanders Senator Vermont Age 82 Progressive Flag Bearer, Socialist
  • Raphael Warnock Senator Georgia Age 54 He’s a Pastor,
  • Jamie Raski Congress Maryland Age 61
  • Steve Bullock Governor Montana Age 58 True moderate who was able to pull some rural counties over to his side
0 voters

Is this what polls on the site look like now? Or did the OP choose the pie chart option? My colorblindness makes it almost impossible to read the results.

Wow, it’s a great list of possibilities. I’d reject Bernie and Newsom, but any of the others would be fine. I voted for Kelley

I’m not colorblind and I still can’t read it. It looks like maybe Tim Ryan is getting the most votes so far? (I picked Mark Kelly.)

I am not colourblind but I cannot make sense of the chart either.
But whatever she chooses will be fine. Better than this Vance creep for sure. And it goes without saying that she is better than tanTrump.

While it’s harder to read due to the similarity of colors, you can click the names in the legend to remove one or more of the picks, making it clearer to see the majority.

But yeah, I’d have preferred a bar graph. That’s me.

And of the choices listed, I picked Kelly, for three reasons listed in the blurb, others noted in the parent thread, and because I’ve heard him speak in person (prior to his election though) and found him to a convincing speaker.

I picked Kelly (one e). Maybe with Gabby Giffords’ husband on the ticket, Trump will shut up about “taking a bullet for democracy”…but I doubt it.

As far as I can tell there is one vote each for four other candidates and all the rest for Mark Kelly (don’t know how many; the number is too far to the right and I cannot get to it). I also voted for Kelly, but I am amazed how overwhelming his support is. Unfortunately the SDMB is not representative of the population as a whole. Would that it were.

It’s not multiple choice, so I cycled between Whitmer, Beshear, and Kelly, all of whom I think would be reasonable, and eventually picked Whitmer (no particular reason).

A lot of space nerds on this board. That doesn’t necessarily transfer over to the general public. Just ask President Glenn.

If I just hover the cursor over a slice of the pie, it shows me what that slice represents. No idea if you can do the same by touching it on mobile.

I like Warnock.

I like him, too. But he’s a Democratic senator in a state where Democrats need to hold the seat, who would likely be replaced with a Republican if he were to give up his seat to be Veep. These considerations have to be taken into account when picking a VP for Harris – assuming she is the nominee.

I’d love to see Mayor Pete, but a black woman and a gay man won’t win. Similar problem with Warnock.

I voted Cooper but Kelly is my second choice.

I have to laugh. Out of over a dozen contenders Mark Kelly the astronaut is in the lead here with something like 2/3 of the vote. An astronaut. Really???

Yup, really. He has my vote as well. Astronaut, man. Game over.

In the parent thread, I also mentioned but ruled out Jared Polis of Colorado, due to similarly being risky with the bigots out there, as well as a risk as a Jew in very divided times over Israel.

For that matter, he’s been making maybe-but-who-knows comments about running for President himself as soon as 2028, so there’s that.

Apologies on the poll, I clearly picked the wrong setting, but this was the easiest way to load 17 options.

I’d pick Whitmer, for an all female ticket.

Kelly can easily boast of being the best-traveled of any of the candidates.