Has Anybody Tried Kudzu Supplements...

…for curbing the desire to drink alcohol?

A study conducted by Dr. Scott E. Lukas of McLean Hospital and Harvard Medical Centre in Massachusetts and published in the journal Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research shows that a kudzu supplement can help reduce alcohol intake - his study showed that alcohol intake can be reduced by as much as half.

One cite here

An NPR (ATC) segment here

Has anybody tried kudzu supplements?

Kudzu? As in “The Plant That Nearly Ate the South”?

Yup. The same plant.

Never tried it, but I’ll be more than happy to sell you as much as you want! (Note location.)

I’m moving back to Georgia within the next year or so - I think I’ll have plenty of my own. Thanks anyway.

I heard about this a long time ago, as a Chinese herbal called Kuzu, but this is the first time that I’ve seen a serious study of the stuff.

Yikes. I used to live in Tennessee, and even the thought of kudzu gives me the creeps.

I bet it curbs your appetite for alcohol because it totally fills up your stomach and intestine with gnarly vines. Once those creepers reach your brain, it’s all over.