Just curious. Can anyone here report that one of these ads has actually worked?
Just curious. Can anyone here report that one of these ads has actually worked?
I for one - no (if I recollect correctly I have never bought anything via a Web ad, in almost 10 years of using the Internet - online businesses that I have patronized I have usually found via word of mouth in fora/mailing list, or via search results).
Perversely, I often click on the SDMB ads when they are for a product or cause I despise - to set them back a few ¢ and earn the SDMB a few ¢ . If not for that I’d never even look at them.
I buy fairly regularly from a company that I found after clicking on an ad in a related thread but I can’t remember if it was an ad for that particular company or whether I got there via links from another business.
Once. In 1960.
I’d had four or five of them make me curious enough to click though, but I’ve never bought anything from them.
Yep. My daughter wanted purple hair for a school dance, and there was an ad for temporary hair dye at the bottom of a thread about some totally unrelated thing. I guess the google engine thinks all manic depressives have neon purple hair.
Did you return it in less than half an hour?
No. Seldom do I even notice the ads at all. They’ve turned into visual white noise to me.
I’ve clicked on the ads a few times but I’ve never bought anything. Half the time the ads are for American service providers anyway, so they’re not very relevant.
What, you’re saying they don’t?
No, it thinks that all manic depressives want neon purple hair.