Has anyone had a threesome?

I’m considering having a threesome with two people I find very attractive and, since we’ve discussed sex often enough, I’m fairly sure we would have fun. I’m a little nervous though about how exactly things would happen, though, as I’ve never done this before. So, if you’ve had a threesome before, how does it work? Who does what to whom and what does the other person do? Are there any potential problems I should think about?

Yeah, I had a relationship with my best friends (a couple).
It ended up breaking apart a friendship of almost 10 years, due to the wife’s (unspoken) posessiveness and unwillingness to actually talk about her feelings. Added in to that was that I just didn’t have enough time to give them, and felt like a stranger in the relationship even after a couple of years.
It is not something that I would do again.

Everyone does everything to everyone else, respecting each other’s limits.

Problems? Someone’s going to feel left out, it isn’t going to be all that it is cracked up to be, and, while fun, the novelty wears off. No directing (“OK, now you do this and I’ll do that and he’ll do the other.”)

And from experience, everyone speaking the same language isn’t required (I wonder what that Scandinavian couple are doing now?).

I possibly should have given a little more background. The other two are not in a relationship although they have had sex before. This wouldn’t be a long-term threesome as I don’t live in the same city as them - it’d probably be a one-off although it might end up happening every few months. So, I don’t have to worry too much about ruining friendships/relationships nor should the novelty wear off in a single encounter.

Maybe start with a goofy game to break the ice? One person closes their eyes while the other 2 touch them somewhere on their body. The person with their eyes closed must then guess who is touching them where. Rotate turns until everyone is nekkid.

Booze helps, too.

Just like regular sex, but with Three to the Third possibilities, more or less.

its fun.

is it going to be 3 guys, 3 girls, 2guys and a girl, or 2 girls and i guy. ive had a bunch of 2 guy/1 girl parties. now those are fun

This was in IMHO recently. I give some advice on how to go about it two-thirds of the thread down. It was locked due to a Penthouse forum type post describing a 3some.