Has anyone here ever dyed their pubes?

It’s getting about that time to touch up my roots and it occured to me that maybe I should try to have the carpet match the drapes so to speak.

So…has anyone else ever tried it? Did it work out or will you be forever scarred by the experience.

:eying the box of L’Oreal…:

… and a perm might be nice.

Have to have them to dye them :wink:

<eyeing clippers and Mach3>

An old friend did… They all fell out. From the bleach or some other chemical in the dye I suppose. Anyway, she liked it so much she hasn’t had any pubes since.

My only tip is, be careful what you use. :slight_smile: And don’t let any get in the out door.

mmmm… Frosted Donut mmmm…
Opps! wrong thread :wink:

mmmm… Frosted Donut mmmm…
Oops! wrong thread :wink:

Story time…

Last time I got inked, I had a reaction to the ink and went in to my family doctor for hydrocortisone. He commented on how he rather liked my tattoo, and found it tasteful compared to some he had seen. Specifically, he related that he had one patient who had her pubic hair dyed green, and above it, had tattooed the words:

Keep Off The Lawn.

Unfortunately, I did not ask him how she had gone about dying them green.

But the story worked here. So I’ve told it, and now you’re stuck with it :slight_smile:

I permed mine into a green Afro, bigger than my head.

When I’m at a nude beach I look like 2 people playing “chicken fight”.

Yep. Done it. My hairdresser generally mixes a little extra color for those regular customers who dramatically change hair color, so they can apply it themselves when they get home. Two things you need to know:

  1. Thinksnow is right. Shaving is a lot easier.

  2. If you do proceed, listen carefully: Keep chemicals away from the pink parts. I cannot emphasize this enough. [sub]Holy crap, I walked bowlegged for three days.[/sub]

One of George Carlin’s “Things to do to keep people on their toes”:

• Go into a barber shop and ask to have your pubic hair streaked. (“Yeah, just frost my bush.”)

Just remember, Miss Mermaid, we’re gonna want to see pictures of your fab-oo new hairstyle. :wink:

< techchick thinks “you are crazy” >

First off, caustic chemicals near my yoohoo just isn’t a part of the plan. It’s one thing to color the hair on your head but to color your pubic hair? Second, unless you have a very active socially sexual life or you regularly flash people, why bother?

< techchick shudders at the thought – ugh chemicals near my vaginal area, no thank you >

Maybe that’s why I should go ahead and do it, so I can flash people here.

Ok you asked for it.

This is meScary huh?

Oy. When I bleach the hair on my <i>head</i>, I get burns. I shudder to think what would happen if I bleached… <i>that</i> hair.


Maybe a vegetable based dye, but none of that harsh chemical stuff for me. I value my pink bits a bit too highly.

No but I have two (male) friends who said they tried it…both claimed that it caused them crotch baldness, too.

I had a friend who did this but used “Manic Panic”-- one of the vegetable-based organic-y ones. Doesn’t last as long as the bad chemical types, but likely better for you.
Oh, the hair was dyed “dark tulip”-- a sort of dark magenta.

to get bright manic colors to work, you have to either have very light hair or bleach it out. I would NOT recommend bleaching out pubes. Bleaching out burns the scalp at times…I can only imagine how BAD that would hurt… (shudder)