Has anyone here ever met or worked with Nathan Fielder? And anyone here like his show The Curse?

Recently became a fan because of that show. Wild!!!

Never met the man. Powered through watchingThe Curse but didn’t like it.

Cringe comedy like The Curse is hard for me to watch, but I feel an obligation to at least try programs that are filmed in New Mexico (thank you, Nathan Fielder, for the money your production company spent here). Also, one of the local news anchors I watch regularly is in it!

I’ve seen just the first episode, but I’ll watch the rest some time. Knowing Española, where it’s set, makes it even funnier. There are people like the main characters all over Santa Fe and Taos, but Española’s been pretty New Age Anglo resistant so far.

I loved him in Nathan for You and in The Rehearsal. I will need to watch this new show for sure!

I watched “The Curse”, but I think of it more as a cultural statement or art piece rather than entertainment. I liked it, but I wouldn’t say I liked it in the same way that I like most TV content. I thought it was interesting and thought provoking. I’ve watched Nathan’s other shows and went in thinking it was going to be more in line with his past work. It definitely does have the absurd, surreal situations he commonly creates, but there’s less of a comedy aspect and more of just seeing how far the surreal aspect can be pushed. If you set your expectations appropriately, I think you’ll enjoy the show.

In one of those really strange but statistically reasonable coincidences, I am literally in the middle of watching Thomas Flight’s commentary on The Curse, a show I’ve never watched. Based on his comments, I will watch the show… It’s pretty clear that there are things going on here beyond cringe parody. Though the cringe is undoubtedly still there.

Well said. It didn’t make me laugh nor did I particularly care for any of the characters but I looked forward to every episode and was kind of sad when the series was over.
Also, I didn’t know Espanola was a real place (thanks, @InternetLegend ).

Also also, Nathan reminds me of Pete

I liked him as the host of “Who’s Tallest Canada”.

you ever get to watching it?

Only a couple episodes, somehow we never got into it

This is probably a fair statement. I love him, but I’m not sure I enjoyed The Curse. It’s definitely original and Emma Stone gives an incredible performance, but it definitely wasn’t a fun watch. Well, the last episode was pretty wild.

I think it was meant to be awkward and cringe weird, tho i didnt find it hard to watch at all. Still kind of unsure why so many found it so uncomfortable to be unwatchable? its pretty tame compared to a lot of stuff out there.