Has anyone here had sex to the stereotypical porn music?

I was making a joke about sex, and used the phrase (70s porn music starts), which then got me thinking…has anyone actually ever had sex to that music, or is it just so eponymous with porn that no one can take it seriously

Details not required but are appreciated

Ravel’s Bolero is reputed to be just the mood music you’re looking for.

(You can find many recordings and performances of it on YouTube.)

Just when the porn is playing in the background.

Bolero is certainly a stereotype due to the movie 10 – but it isn’t good music for the purpose. Bolero is a very rhythmic, repetitive piece, but it has an absolutely steady tempo. You want something that starts slow, and speeds up as it goes along.

Maybe you should try having sex while watching the “Evolution” portion of Bruno Bozettto’s Allergro non Troppo


If it doesn’t start playing when you do, your’e not doing it right!

Bolero is over 15 minutes. Let’s get serious.

I’ve used the “William Tell Overture” before. A bit short, but it builds well. :wink:

Yeah! What am I, a machine? Let’s start with, say, a Ramones song, and try to work from there.

There was some vintage porn movie… seems like one of the more famous ones. Debbie Does Dallas, maybe? Where the background music is the same as the intro to The People’s Court. I’m not sure even Viagra could get me through that.

I use the sound track from the movie Gone in Sixty Seconds myself.

Who are you, Alex from a Clockwork Orange?

If you do it to the speeded-up Walter/Wendy Carlos version, that’s really something.

Wait, you mean you don’t have sex to Judge Wapner?

Is the “stereotypical porn music” an entire genre of music, or did they just keep replaying this one in all the porn studios?

I thought stereotypical porn music was just a loop of Rick James.

I prefer the Match Game Think Music.

Barbara Broadcast. I’ve seen it. Cracked me the fuck-up!

I don’t think I’ve ever seen a porn that actually used porn music.

My GF and I put on Pornosonic’s Unreleased 70s Porno Music once, but the constant dialogue snippets with Ron Jeremy were always some combination of weird, creepy and hilarious so we HAD to listen to them and frankly it was kind of a drag on the action, if you get my meaning, so eventually we just turned it off and fucked sans accompaniment.

Back in the day, when I was having sex in certain places, the porn music was already playing.

Every porn I’ve ever seen has a keyboard-heavy score. Then again I didn’t see any porn until the 90s (post “Golden Age”).