Hy-Vee, a Midwestern grocery chain, is giving away 12-packs, and by all accounts, this stuff is nasty. Has anyone here seen, let alone tasted, it? I’m just curious. (My brother said it had “natural flavorings” listed, which he also described as “Chinesium.”
On a slightly related note, I saw sample bottles of Jagermeister at the gas station, and decided to buy one (to my surprise, the cashier didn’t ID me even though I’m old enough to be the grandmother of a legal-age person) because I have GOT to find out what this tastes like. She said it most resembles black licorice - and no, I’m not going to throw the empty bottle out on the curb when the time comes.
I tried Jagermeister when I was living in Czechoslovakia. I can’t describe exactly what it tastes like other than “medicinal.” I thought it was vile stuff. (I don’t really care for black licorice either, though I do like a mild anise flavor in things like Italian sausage.)
Was the “Spiced Coke” you bought the raspberry-flavored variety that’s been flogged recently? I bought a 12-pack of it back in May or June, just to try it out. I didn’t care for it either, and I went through the pack slowly until it was all gone. (I really can’t afford to throw stuff away nowadays.) I don’t plan on ever buying it again—it has a strong artificial taste.
I do like Cherry, Vanilla, and Lime Coke—but not Sugar- or Caffeine-Free Coke. Again, artificial taste and annoying mouth-feel.
Raspberry coke is a different but probably just as nasty flavor.
I don’t drink coke. Or any soda. Occasionally they hand me a soda going into dialysis, supposedly to keep my glucose from dropping. I’ve never managed more than a sip. I don’t know how people drink so much of it.
It’s nasty.
I would think the fruity flavors would not add much.
@nearwildheaven did you partake of a freebie? Let us know your findings.
We liked the Spiced Zero Sugar variety, we bought several sleeves of it. It’s not a drink I always wanted, but I liked the flavor, especially with food.
I like the Spiced Coke flavor. (I get the zero-sugar version.) But it’s already been phased out in my area. I have one last twelve-pack I’m finishing off and that’ll be it.
I agree with what others have said; the flavor is clearly raspberry (or imitation raspberry). But I’ll admit I don’t think I’ve ever tasted Chinesium.
I try all the Weird Cokes that come out over the summer. One I remember had a name like Starlight but I’m pretty sure it was marshmallow flavored. The concept names are to cover up a flavor combination that most people would be reflexively disgusted by.
Spiced wasn’t terrible but it wasn’t a favorite either. The local Walmart still has lots of it but strangely enough doesn’t have any caffeine free Coke Zero. I also miss Pepsi Zero Sugar Peach. It wasn’t around for very long but it tasted way better than it had any right to.
Is this the appropriate time to mention that all colas are spiced? IIRC, the dominant flavors in regular cola (after sugar, of course) are citrus and cinnamon. “Spiced” colas just tweak the proportions a bit.
I didn’t hate it, but I don’t feel like I need to drink any more of it. It wasn’t good enough to put in the regular rotation. I’d take it if it was free or very cheap, but I drink soda more for caffeine than for the taste.
I’ve had it. I didn’t really care for it, but I wouldn’t go so far as to say “nasty”. It’s just that Coca-Cola is already a soda whose main flavorings are spices and citrus, and they basically took that and added more of the same, making it unbalanced to my palate.
I got a sort of… soapy(?) flavor out of it- I’m thinking it’s too much warm spices like nutmeg, cloves, and cinnamon, but I don’t know. It actually smells pretty good, but the flavor is peculiar.
I prefer sugar-free drinks. Adding fresh lemon and lime, real vanilla or other fruit to your preferred cola is easy and dramatically better than the ersatz versions.
I love Dr. Pepper, and I love strawberries and cream (talking about actual strawberries with actual cream, not about some hypothetical beverage trying to taste like that), but I can’t imagine combining the two tastes.
Two great tastes that almost surely don’t taste great together.
Tried Spiced Coke. It was pretty ‘meh’. I won’t be buying any more of it. I used to drink Lime Coke a lot though. I think it was a big mistake for them to discontinue it. I also used to drink Cherry coke, but I think they changed the formula 'cause I don’t like it any more . Tastes chemically now.
Now I drink Barq’s or Cherry Dr. Pepper, (or Regular Dr. Pepper). Tried Strawberries & Cream Dr. Pepper and agree with Kayaker. Not interested. I like them both, but not together.
Add me as another that enjoys the Spiced zero sugar version. It’s not my favorite drink ever, but it’s pretty good. It might be my favorite variety of Coke. Sadly, it’s never in stock. I even had a coupon for a free case of Spiced Coke (or zero sugar) with that purchase of another case of Coke product and never got to use it before its expiration, because it was never stocked. I haven’t found it in months.
The strawberries and cream version of Dr Pepper (again zero sugar) may be my favorite soda ever. It’s freaking delicious. And luckily it’s easy to find, I almost always have a case around.