Pepsi Holiday Spice (?!!)

Cinnamon and nutmeg cola? What the hell? Something tells me that this will be on the level of Crystal Pepsi and Berry Blast Pepsi.

What the hell is up with all these new soda mixes anyway? I love trying new drinks… what I lack in excitement in relation to food, I make up for in beverages but, really, do we need to have a dozen different varieties of Coke, Pepsi, Mountain Dew, and Dr Pepper?

It just reeks of desperate money-grubbing to me.

Actually, y’know? Berries ,ixed with Pepsi was just a gross combo like mayo on ice cream. Invisible Pepsi tasted wrong…off…somehow, like the syrup containers hadn’t been cleaned or had been cross-connected.

But there’s already hints of that sort of spice flavor in colas–this actually sounds good.

If I were still allowed to drink fizzy stuff, I would give it a try. It sounds interesting.

Oooh, no.

That sounds really good.

And you know what’s going to happen?

They’re going to test market it this Christmas, and I’m going to get completely hooked on it, and then they’re going to take it away, those bastards.

There is already a very strong note of cinnamon in Coke. This would be like that, only in Pepsi and with a much stronger spice flavor. I’d love to try it.


As opposed to all the other instances when new soft drinks are created, soley for the betterment of mankind… :wink:

Sounds like it would be great to baste ham with!

This sounds good to me, too, provided that by “ginger” they mean like gingerbread, and not like the stuff you use to cleanse your palate at a sushi place (the latter always tastes like dish detergent, to me). But then, I liked Crystal Pepsi, too, and look what happened to that.

That was my first thought. I’ll have to give that a try this year.

According to Big Secrets by William Poundstone, the cola flavor is a “fantasia flavor”, composed of a balance of cinnamon, citrus and vanilla. The kola nut doesn’t really add any flavor of its own. So, in that cola flavor is basically two spices and citrus, I don’t think that upping the ratio of cinnamon and adding another couple of spices could really foul things up that much.

Of course, I’ll reserve final judgement for when I can find the stuff.

You people are insane; it sounds horrible. Cinnamon soda? Bleh!

I, of course, will still try it like the little consumer sheep that I am. I just won’t like it!

You know that the ginger you get at sushi places is pickles ginger, not the fresh stuff. Whereas the Gingerbread flavor is usually dried ginger. In my opinion neither would be as good as good fresh ginger flavor, however I must agree that dried would be better than pickled.

It sounds like it could be good to me. I mean, what are the spices in Captain Morgan Spiced Rum? They taste good in Pepsi…

Excuse me, “pickles” should be “pickled” and I’m not pickled, not in the slightest.

Sounds yummy to me!

IMO, Crystal Pepsi had a hint of ginger. I thought it was good.

Yummmmm, spicy cola! Can’t wait for it to hit the shelves. I’m already a fan of Lemon Diet Coke, Lime Diet Coke, and Cherry Seven Up. I love the new flavors of soft drinks.

Largely due to its complete absence from the Black Fizzy Waters of Corporate Imperialism.

Coca-Cola-- Coca- and Cola-free for longer than anyone can remember. :smiley:

Ah, yes, from the folks who brought us Josta, best soda ever, and then promptly killed it.

Aesiron, Coke and Pepsi both already have cinnamon in them. This is just more.

I for one, am already drooling at the thought. I go to Burger King just for Coke because something about their mix or water or something has a stronger cinnamon flavor.

Pepsi has water in it too but that doesn’t mean I want it to be watery.

Or, to use the other two main ingredients as examples, I also hate vanilla pepsi and lemon pepsi. The current blend is just fine… one of the flavors dominating over the others hasn’t exactly enthused me in the past and I don’t expect this to be any different.