Has there been a Star Wars book or comic where someone grew/farmed midichlorians to inject himself?

Has there been a Star Wars book or comic where someone grew/farmed midichlorians to inject himself with to gain force abilities they otherwise would not have?

Or did everybody collectively just decide to ignore the very unpopular concept of midichlorians?

If there was, it is probably mentioned in this depressingly large entry.

I tried it once. I gained the ability to control synthesizers with my mind…

Midi-whatevers appear in the presence of the Force®™ they don’t endow it. I’m pretty sure.

I do, however, like the notion of a probiotic yogurt supplement Jedis rely on like outer space Popeyes.

I always assumed that the idea was that each individual organism in the universe has its own connection to the Force, and that it’s the number of organisms that matters, not their total biomass. So someone with a lot of microscopic symbiotes would have a greater total connection to the Force.

Spoilery for current events, but pretty sure this is what is going on in The Mandalorian.

Very weird coincidence if so, I have not watched it yet.

The yogurt that helps Jedis poop.