Hasbro Updates Clue Game: Mustard Quits Army, Joins NFL, Plum Now Rich Game Designer

Not just the names, but also their personalities; as well as some of the murder weapons and rooms. The London Telegraph has some info on the new characters as well as a photo of the new weapons.

The Simpsons version is the only licensed version of Clue out there. Since the game involves a murder as part of its backstory, I assume many companies would disapprove of allowing the use of their characters in the game for that reason.

I suppose in the Simpsons version Mr. Burns is the victim?

(The answer is probably “Maggie in the Car with the Revolver”)

They’re taking away the lead pipe!!! How the hell are you supposed to play Clue without the lead pipe??? :mad:

Philistines! Vandals!

GuanoLad, I think you’re selling board games short. A board game, unlike an electronic game, can be played by more than two. It crosses generations. It’s more social when everyone is looking at a game board on a table rather than a screen in the corner. And a board game goes pretty much anywhere there’s a flat surface to play on. I work at a preschool and our board games get a lot of use; the same thing at my younger son’s after-school program. In fact, the day before Christmas vacation, the kids are encouraged to bring in their favorite board game from home to play during school hours and it’s hugely popular. Both board games and electronic games will continue to have their place in kids’ toy collections.

It’s a cinch.

Since he’s been defrocked, I guess Mr. Green is free to go home and sleep with his wife.

Next thing you know, you’ll be telling me they’re selling copies of this game in exchange for money. :wink: I really don’t know what I think of these changes, though. Yes, it’s an update that’s more contemporary, but the game was way outdated 20 years ago, the first time I played it with my parents and grandparents. The anachronism lent some atmosphere to the game. It’s not like I’m going to take it to parties and start playing it with my friends now that you can kill people with a baseball bat instead of the rope. And it’s hard to read the dagger-to-knife as anything except dumbing it down.

Also, I see Miss Scarlett and Miss White are both actresses! What the hell? Are the only two jobs out there for a woman actress and socialite? An evil Martha Stewart-type tycoon would have fit in great and been a lot less redundant.

Oh, yeah - we don’t usually have enough people to really play it, though. “Okay, uh, how many monks of the same order as the one I just gave you have you seen with your own eyes?”

I hope you’re young enough that you’ll still be alive in 2050 so that you can eventually realize how hilariously wrong you are about this.

Hmm. Well, perhaps you’re right and I will be proven wrong. I can only go by the fact that I haven’t seen a board game actively in use in at least 15 years.

This does not include tabletop wargames, card games, and gambling games, which I still see around and about.

But it is based on a physical board game that is still very much in demand. And Scrabulous has only fueled it’s popularity.

Only if physical everything else will be, too, because by then we’re all just brains in vats, permenantly wired to computers.

Are you one of those who believe that physical, paper-and-ink books will cease to exist in the future? Because I disagree with you there, too. There will always be people who prefer to interact with reality directly, by physically manipulating things, instead of or in addition to staring at an electronic screen.

You clearly don’t have kids. We have stacks of Board games, and card games. They’re definitely in demand.

Board games also don’t require electricity or charging, and the kids can play them when somebody else is using the computer(s). More important, they foster human interaction. MilliCal and her friends love Apples to Apples, which sucks in adults, as well.

Well, then it’s the company you keep, because board games sure as heck aren’t rare around here. You really haven’t seen at least Scrabble or Trivial Pursuit played in at least 15 years? If so, wow.