Or people who claim to be them?
I’m Genghis Kahn!
You know, I was thinking about this the other day… if I ever became a famous rock star, or writer, or something… [sub]shyeah… whatever.[/sub] But anyway, if I did, I’d probably still post to these boards. Would anyone treat me differently then? Would I get more respect, or can I have faith in my knowledge that dopers are not that vapid and shallow?
I’ll have to ask Nocturne when she gets all famous with that voice of her’s.
Just a thought. Yeah, are there any famous people here?
There was a guy with the Screen name “Jesus, Son of God” at one point . . . I think a thread of his hit threadspotting. But I somehow doubt it was the real guy;)
There’s also ex-rockstar aha (as opposed to the band “a-ha”). And a boatload of authors.
Well, I recall a Rich Hall.
I’m not talking about screennames, like the guy who has homer simpson, or something like that. Let’s get a list together of semi-interesting people that have posted and see what insight (or stupid comments) they have posted in the past.
It depends on how you define “famous”. The Bad Astronomer is a regular poster, and he qualifies by my definition. On the other hand, I doubt if Michael Jackson has posted here.
There is the author of this book who posts here.
We’re not talking about talentless hacks, JeffB, we’re talking about Famous People. If you’re gonna drag authors in, then you gotta nominate Eve Golden for her many books, plus she’s classy.
As does the author of this book.
Wasn’t aha in a band? Western Union, maybe?
I won an inter-school spelling bee in High School. Does that make me famous?
Eve doesn’t post here anymore, Cal.
To my everlasting sorrow.
The band was The Five Americans. Western Union was their hit song.
I doubt whether any famous author would post on this message board.
His major work would probably be subject to constant scrutiny and misinterpretation, to such an extent that his career and reputation would suffer irreparably.
I used to draw a cartoon that was read by tens of people, does that count?
There may well be famous people posting here, but they would be likely to disguise the fact so they would not get fawning fans or people wanting to dis them.
Isn’t Cecil famous enough for ya???
I’ve been on TV and the radio. Had a few newspaper/magazine articles quoting me or outright about me. Had the pleasure of getting Joan Rivers [sub]shudder[/sub] to shut up for a few seconds with a witty remark. But you’ve probably never seen/heard any of it.
That count?
I tried to get Michael Moore to post to a thread about him. As Nostradamus has said it would be a lot of hassle for a celeb. to post here. He did sent me a e-mail reply which I then posted in the thread.
I’m sadly well aware of it, but I figured that Eve’s last message (by proxy) was recent enough to keep her as a candidate.