As I promised Neuro in some Pit thread I forget right now, I’m hereby opening the Official Coldfire EN-DU Insult Translation Booth. Translations will be provided with the correct pronunciation. Since Neuro set me up to it, she’ll be getting the first five insults for free. The rest of y’all will owe me one eternally for every translated insult.
Fire away, and I shall return fire in Dutch!
(Euty: Dutch insults are usually very polite and hardly contain profanities. However, given the foul nature of the English language, this might actually become a rather iffy topic for MPSIMS. You are of course free to move this baby to the Pit if necessary.)
Defect borg: “Refutile is sistance. Your ass will be simulated”.
WallyM7 on Coldfire: "Yeah, he knows a little about everything because they have a good prison library."
And amazingly, even though it is a Monday morning, I am getting sick, and I have to compute sales & use taxes all day for my company, I am in a pretty splendid mood. I don’t require an insult translation. If Mr. Socko keeps up his shenanigans, I will be back.
We went right out there and refused to do accoustical versions of the electrical songs that we had refused to record in the first place.
I was friends with a Dutch exchange student in high school, who would regularly scream: “If ONE more person asks me if it’s true that prostitution/pot/anything else is legal in my country, I’ll…” “You’ll what?” “I’ll not answer them!” She rocked.
Anyway, I got her to tell me what “You are a monkey-face” in Dutch is, but I forgot. I learned that phrase in Indonesian, along with a few choice phrases. (phonetically: Kamu barrrr-mooka mon-yet).
You’d think that Superman would be a good person to invite to a barbecue but trust me, he’s not. I mean, sure he can cook the hot dogs fast with his heat vision, but they all taste of charred eye boogers.