Have I ever been officially warned?

Since moderator warnings are usually posted in the same thread as the infraction, is it possible that I have been warned and never saw it? I understand now that the mods keep a record of who has been warned, and why.

Can one of you guys tell me for sure? Just curious.

Inquiries like this are probably best made through email, but I don’t see any prior warnings, Berkut

Er. Yeah, sorry bout that.

Thanks for looking.

Of course, Berk, if you’re feeling left out because lots of your friends have warnings and you don’t, and you’d like one, I’m glad to chew you out any ol’ time.

(If you would have asked this a week later, I coulda responded by reading you the riot act as a April Foole’s joke…)

hangs head in shame


That would be fun to see.

Oooooh warn me warn me!

<< Sex for the purposes of entertainment is what separates us from the animals >>

[ April 1] Please, Really, this is highly offensive to the sodomists and New Zealanders, who think that sex for the purposes of entertainment is what joins us to the animals, not separates us. Well, the sheep and goats, at least, and perhaps the gerbils, but not (I hope) the parrots. In any case, desist at once! [/April 1]

You forgot the Welsh.

That was good though :slight_smile:

Good question. I wondered that myself. Well, about me. Not about you. That’d be weird, if I wondered whether you had ever recieved a warning.

That said, Dex, should the interested person email you or Lynn? Or can you just tell me, too?

Obviously, Superdude, anyone wanting info on whether they have been warned should email Lynn, since I’m very busy with real life while all she does is lounge around and eat chocolates. And wield her axe, of course. Um.

No, seriously, email either one of us, or any Mod.

Look if you’re not sure whether you’ve been warned or not, then you almost certainly haven’t. If you’d been warned, you’da knowed it.

There are two types of warnings:
1 - There’s a specific warning within a thread. For instance, “Hey, stop the name-calling in this ATMB thread.” Think of this as a cease-and-desist order. Anyone, no matter how well behaved usually, can have moments of going over the top. This usually isn’t a WARNING, it’s just a warning, if you get me. That is, it’s aimed at a specific thread and a specific behavior. A quick apology and refraining from that behavior in that thread is sufficient to wipe the slate clean – we don’t track those, usually. If you haven’t seen such a warning, then you obviously didn’t go back to that thread, so you obeyed the cease-and-desist order, and so all is well.

2 - There’s a general Warning for a pattern of inappropriate behavior, in many threads and over some time. That’s much more serious, and that’s what we track. It’s usually sent in an email, as well. You’da known if you got one.

Now, Superdude, I did a quick search and I see that you’ve had 123,467 warnings of … oh, wait, that was a google search.

So, I’m curious. Have I ever been officially warned?

Didn’t I warn you once in this thread arready??? << Inquiries like this are probably best made through email >> I said, clear as a bell. No ambiguity, no room for misinterpretation, I tole you explicitly, don’t post this kind of personal stuff on the boards, go to email, I said. Did you listen, to the stern voice of the Moderator? No, not you, you know better.

Sheeesh. Two warnings in one thread???

… and a very happy and enjoyable April Fool’s Day to all!

I think you shoulda been a little harsher on him, Dex. :slight_smile:

I said I wouldn’t post anymore until this thing is settled, but since this is in my opinion a thread that is right on top of the problem, I shall ask it here once more:

I mailed her a few days ago. Didn’t get any reply so far. It can be that she didn’t read it, but since I saw here posting on the board, I doubt this. She must have seen my thread on the BBQ.

I mailed in august 2003 a moderator to ask if I could post somthing on the board - and gave him the text I wanted to post -, in order to prevent all the ongoing misunderstanding about my writing style, the issues I come up with or defend and my use of the English language which as I know can cause problems for the readers.
I never received any reply and thus considered that as a “no, not permitted”. The result is that people still make out of my posts what isn’t even remotely intended to be there, and all the consequences of that still follow me around.

Well, I do not although LynnBodoni claims otherwise.

I had once a misunderstanding with a member where I didn’t see he was posting a joke and replied in a way that the moderator found it needed to post a remark that it was not allowed on the GD to write “Pit style” posts. This was cleared up with the moderator on the same thread.
I had one remark from Lynn Bodoni on an other thread on the BBQ and asked her to clarify it, what she didn’t do.

No, sorry, not “OK” for me.
I wonder to which mail address the so called WARNINGS were send where LynnBodoni talks about here (last post)

since I received NONE.
I still have no idea what she is talking about. I didn’t receive any reaction on the mail I send her asking for explanation. Nor did there came any explanation in the thread I opened for this (also with the intention to see if other members knew what was going on) and to say goodbye since I am threatened in the open to be banned.

I can’t participate in a community where a moderator tells me that the people behind the screen are “discussion my posting priviledges”. Especially since I have even no clue what she is talking about in her post and don’t get the slightest explanation.
Sorry, but this sounds to me as if you all are waiting for my next post to come and then ban me for whatever “reason” you can invent.
Salaam. A

Sorry, forgot to mention my discussion with Coldfire on the BBQ in the early days of my membership. But in my opinion that was cleared up long ago. There were also never mails exchanged on that.
As far as I know I did not have any discussion with any other moderator or any “warning” at all.

Salaam. A

Lynn’s computer and email have been wonky the last couple weeks.

If you send an email, please be sure to put something in the header line that identifies it as related to the Straight Dope; otherwise, it’s liable to be deleted as suspected spam without being opened. We’re sorry about that, but when you go down the line hitting delete-delete-delete, it can happen.

The question of whether warnings come through email has, in the past, depended on circumstance and moderator. If a situation required a posting, so that the other members would know it was being addressed, then that was done. I always tried to use email in addition, but that was not necessarily a universal practice.

Also, of course, discussion of Moderator actions belongs in the Pit, so I apologize and slap myself on the wrist for delving.

Look let’s just stop beating around the bush. You guys are after a Most Warned Dopers Of All Time list aren’t you?

Of course, but don’t ask - we have to make them think it’s *their * idea. Way to go man… :mad:
