Nobody here in Arizona knows what they are, and it bothers me. Not because of their ignorance, but because I want to eat one on Fat Tuesday so badly!
For those of you who don’t know, paczkis (prounounced poonch-key by most Michiganders) are huge donut-like pastries that are made just for Fat Tuesday. (Fat Tuesday is the day right before Ash Wednesday…it’s a Catholic thing) They must have 1000 calories each, and most of them are filled with something, like fruit, or custard.
How many of you know what they are? How many of you are saying, “Never heard of them.”
I guess I could substitute paczkis with Dunkin Donuts. But it’s just not the same
Well Adam, why don’t you get Uncle Beer or someone in Michigan to get a couple and ship them to you. Basic ground should cost less than $8 and you can have it sent next day air for less than $20 (check on Fedex or UPS sites for exact rates) then offer to pay them for doing so.
I grew up in Chicago and we always called them poonch-key. In fact, my Polish-Catholic friends referred to the day before Ash Wednesday and “poonch-key day.” I didn’t hear the expression Fat Tuesday until I went to college.
Adam, I volunteer my services. I’ll keep my ears and eyes open for the best place to get 'em. The Polish National Home (read: bingo hall) is just down the road from me, along with a Catholic church that has predominantely Polish congregation.
Thank you Bunny, for your help. I’ll look around the Phoenix area for a bakery that sells them. If I can’t find one, then I may take you up on your offer.
If I do ask you to pick up the paczkis for me, I’ll e-mail you in advance.
Never heard of them until last year… but oooohhhmmm are they good. I gave some to the workers at the Toyota dealership last year and they took verry good care of my Corolla… until I moved away. sob!
Neener neener neener, I only live 20 miles from Hamtramck (which supposedly had the largest Polish population outside of Poland). mmmmmm…paczkis. Yes, they will permanently clog your arteries and add 20 pounds to your hips, but I would pass up sex for one of these things. When is Fat Tuesday again? Isn’t it coming up real soon?
“The dead have risen, and they’re voting Republican!” - Bart Simpson
Shadow, last I heard, Chicago had that honor. At least it said “Chicago has the largest population of Polish people of any city in the world, except for Warsaw.”
According to the Polish-American Association:
You might want to give the Hamtramck chamber of commerce a call about their claims
“I guess one person can make a difference, although most of the time they probably shouldn’t.”
Shadow, you live about as far away from Hamtramck as I did.
Jophiel: Hamtramck is a tiny city. It might only be one, or two square miles in size. But, nearly everyone who does live there is Polish. So, percentage-wise, it beats out Chicago.
Tom: Thanks for the info. I’ll put it to good use.
Anyway, it’s not especially important - I just saw it as a major error compared to what I had already known. And the paczkis are mighty yummy. I loved growing up with two sets of Polish grandparents - Grandma made the best food.
“I guess one person can make a difference, although most of the time they probably shouldn’t.”