Have you successfully summoned a spiritual entity?

There are many people out there who invoke and summon spirits, gods, and other such entities as part of their spiritual work.

Has anyone here summoned an entity and seen it appear, or know someone who has?


We had seances when we were kids and summoned up lots of dead people. I have proof! The curtains moved, there was wind in the room and we heard noises!

Do try to get hold of yourself. And lay off the left-handed cigarettes, okay?

I summoned up two. The first one was natural, but the second required a cesarean.


Yes. I have summoned many spiritual entities to do my bidding.

I’m quite sure I saw Bloody Mary’s pale, dead hands groping toward me in the mirror once, but I didn’t stay in the room long enough to find out.

[H. Simpson] Hmmmm… Summoning gods eh? [/H. Simpson]

I once summoned a horrible banshee, like of the world has not seen. Everytime she opened her gaping maul of a mouth, it would open a conduit to the very depths of Hell itself. Her eyes blazed with an unholy fire and had a voice that would loosen the bowels of the most herotic of champions.

But then I dumped her. :slight_smile:

I summoned god.

He made me a sandwich.

Y’know, with participant names like “Rabid_Squirrel”, “Dung Beetle”, “WeRSauron”, and “DreadCthulhu”, I’m getting a little uneasy about the purpose of this thread. :slight_smile:

Well Sunspace add t-keela to the list too.

Yep, I did it…I summoned the Master, our savior from darkness. The one who showed us the way.

Here follow me and I will show you.

:cool: better grab your shades 'cause this guy’s bright

I once summoned up the Invisible Pink Unicorn.

Prove that I didn’t.

I don’t think any of us mean any harm by this thread . . . Heck, ** Sunspace ** and ** t-keela ** I need some extra human volunteer sfor my next summoning, if you want to see what it entails. Also, umm being a virgin would be a big help too.

I talked to God
On his private line.
He said, “How you doin’, Joe?”
I said, "My name is Dave,
And I’m doin’ fine.

I talked to God,
He said the check’s in the mail.
My secretary is sick,
And I’ll get back to you quick,
But I’ve got meetings all day!

– Dick Monda aka Lu Janis

That’s God for you. What a joker.

When is He going to change you back?

I’ve had gas before that approached tangibility and could almost be said to have a distinct personality.

All I know is, late at night I’ll often find myself wrenched out of bed, tossed halfway around the world, and forced to spell out ridiculous sentences on some teenage girl’s Ouija board.

I once summoned Al Sharpton.

Some of the stuff I’ve summoned up has made people call out to their god but I’ve never seen one of them actually appear.

slortar, WHY? :wink: