Have you voted yet?

I’ve seen reports that 120,000 people in Georgia voted today in the state’s first day of early voting.

The California ballot has 25 propositions on it. I started, this week, studying them. (I got through 22, the gig drivers fix, and 23, about dialysis clinic regulation) yesterday. My study sources are Ballotpedia, Los Angeles Times, San Francisco Chronicle, and yes, The Straight Dope Message Board, and such other links as they may provide.

I figure I have enough attention span to get through a couple of props each day. Trying to take these seriously and figure them out is brain-draining.

And I’ve made sure I know where to find a real, genuine, bona-fide, official, legal, annointed drop-box to drop it in!

I’m away from home at the moment, but I expect my ballot to be there when I get home. (They’re being sent out this week.) I’ll fill it out right away, and plan to drop it off at the elections office directly. I will get a text to confirm receipt and that it will be counted, or to tell me if there’s a problem. So, no option in the poll fits. But I plan to get my ballot in earlier than I probably ever have.

Will vote tomorrow. The Post Office was closed today.

This state is only vote by mail. I haven’t received my ballot yet. When I do, I’ll vote that day and take it to a drop box.

I just dropped mine in the mailbox. There’s the concern of course that the ballot will somehow be missed–but California supports Where’s My Ballot, so in principle it’s possible to track it to the elections office. Mine hasn’t shown up on their system yet but I’ll report back when it does.

If it doesn’t, there’s still the opportunity of voting in person as a backup.

Yep. Mrs. Turki and I voted in person during slow hours . Only saw 3-4 other folks at the registrar office. Va does not have problems with tRumpist voter suppression, but we do have slow postal delivery and Covid. This seemed like the safe bet.

The poll needs another choice: No not yet, but will before 11/3.

That’s my choice.

Your vote for President, US Senator and US Representative won’t count, just like mine won’t. But you may have some say so statewide and county wide. I voted no on the constitutional amendment. Go to idahovotes.gov You can answer two questions (name and birthdate). You can find out there if your ballot has been received. I took mine up to the Court House in Wallace.

Voted late last week, just checked Miami-Dade’s web site, and ballot was received.

I want to get some input from my daughter on a vote for school board members and then I will take my ballot to a drop box. Hopefully today.

Yes. In Minnesota me and my partner filled out our mail in ballots the day we received them and took them to an in person drop off the next day. This was on 9/24 - 9/25. According to tracker on the MN state website our ballots have been received for processing.

The Maryland voters guide I received suggested that Saturday and Sunday were the slowest days of the week for early voting. That seems a little counterintuitive.

My voter’s guide said that weekends, the first days early voting is open, and the last days it is open are the busiest, and suggested a weekday in the middle of the window for the shortest lines.

I voted early in-person last year, and there was one person in front of me. But I suppose that was not a federal-election year.

Voted yesterday.

Was prepared for a long line and a wait, but it wasn’t too bad.

Bit of traffic cluster getting off the highway and into the lot, but once in there, it was pretty smooth. There were a bunch of cops directing traffic, that helped.

Only had a few people in front of me in line, but they had about 10 stations to get your ballot, with another 10-15 spaces that were not open at the time. Tons of “booths” available to actually cast it.

Much better than when I early voted in 2008.

I’ll be voting later today. It’s the first day of early voting here in Texas. I’m curious to see how long the line will be. I live in a fairly red part of town, and I doubt there are many hidden Biden voters in my neighborhood. As such I’m hoping to see a short line, which to me would indicate depressed turnout among the Trump supporters in my area.

My ballot has been received. (In case you cared.)

All of you who are voting early: did you get a sticker?

I’m voting November 3 out of habit and enjoying being one of the first at my polling place, but the sticker is another reason.

The line here in San Antonio is moving like Zeno’s arrow:

Google Photos

Pretty much this exact thing for me, too. I live in Kentucky, so there shouldn’t be any shenanigans. It’s already been received and counted.