He doesn't want to fight you...

Hey folks,
Not much of a question, just something I want to share with you all.
Scenario: In a bar on the south side of Chicago, a guy opens the door at the same time i’m leaving with the same hand he’s holding a drink with. The door hits me, the glass falls to the floor. I notice my friends aren’t (for an unrelated reason) leaving yet. I go back inside. The guy comes back in holding another of my friends by the arm, saying ‘…if it wasn’t you, who was it?..’.

I knew what he was talking about. I said ‘…I spilt your drink, what’s the problem?’
Insert much cursing and profanity. ‘Look, it was an accident, as much your fault as mine (untrue, 100% his fault), i’ll get get you a beer, OK?’

Sounds fair…but no, he wants a cocktail. We disagree. He asks me outside. A friend of mine suggests I don’t go outside (my feeling, i’ll fight the bastard if that’s what he wants). I say, why not, if he wants to fight, it’s fine by me. I don’t give afuck how big he is (I was mad and drunk). My friend suggests he’d like to shoot me, not fight. Gulp. He says, ‘…do you know who I am…?’…
A friend of a friend intervenes, takes money from me, they won’t serve the asshole anymore, he gives the guy the money. It’s only $10. I subsequently find out who the guy really is, a serious dealer/gangster/murderer (unsubstantiated). The guy shook my hand afterwards and said, presumably happily holding my $10, everything’s cool. $10 was a small price to pay for my life
You live and learn, right?

Andy Sweetie, do you everpost sober?


BTW, our favorite Uncle (you know, Beer) has an important thread going on about the next Chicago gathering.

Everybody knows that Steve McGarrett only takes orders from the governor and God - and occassionally even they have trouble.

As a resident of the south side of Chicago and its surrounding suburbs, I must strongly suggest that you carefully chose what bars you frequent and with whom you interact within those establishments!

You were fortunate that things turned out for the best … THIS time. Perhaps it would be wise for you to be a bit more circumspect in the future! :slight_smile:

“The greatest obstacle to discovery is not ignorance – it is the illusion of knowledge.”
–Daniel J Boorstin

Bear in mind that Andy intended to do what any Brit would have done, given the same circumstances: kick the living crap out of the bastard :wink:
And in England, far fewer people are of the gun-carrying type.

Don’t you just LOVE cultural differences, Any :smiley:

Voted Poster Most Likely To Post Drunk

"You know how complex women are"

  • Neil Peart, Rush (1993)

Or Andy, whatever…

Voted Poster Most Likely To Post Drunk

"You know how complex women are"

  • Neil Peart, Rush (1993)

Upon sober reflection, I’ve seen …er, hang on a minute, you’re still drunk! I’ll try again later :wink:

Andy, next time put a cap in his ass with your deuce-deuce. :wink:

Ahhh…Seeing that makes me realize how glad I am to live in a state where the .9MM Ruger concealed at my waist is legal, licensed, and allowed to be used when needed :smiley:

In my limited experience, I’ve discovered everyone is an idiot until they’ve prove themselves otherwise!


Yeah, Demo, you go homey! Pull out your jammie and pop that sucka’ in the back of his nappy-ass weave. Then steal his gold-on-a-roll chains, go drink yourself a fat 40oz of Old English and cruise the 'hood in your six-four.

Maybe I’m a nancy boy, but if I’m in a bar and a guy asks me to go outside (presumably for a fist fight), my first reaction is “Hell NO! I’m staying right in here where the drinks and the peanuts are.” Why would I want to go outside and either bruise my knuckles or get the crap beaten out of me (the more likely conclusion)?

Was his name Leroy Brown?

Was he bad, bad?