He-man Jets fan punches out little female Patriots fan. And it's her fault???

If she started the fight, why would she expect not to get punched in the face?

Call me a caveman, but in my day women were ladies and didn’t pick fights with strange men. They goaded their boyfriends into doing it and watched.

She shouldn’t need to start using force against someone in the first place; I hope she’s found guilty and treated accordingly before she strikes again.

I found his laughing and smiling after the punch to be an indication that he really didn’t act in self defense when he punched her.

Yes, at least in cases like this. Welcome to the real world.
The judicial and penal systems are based on a person’s prior criminal history.
It will always be used to judge his character and propensity for violence.

Did he act in self-defense? maybe.
Did he need to punch her in the face? No.

While I agree that in this short clip of a much longer confrontation, she seemed to be the aggressor, the punch wasn’t really necessary.

Well, she is pretty and blonde so no, she can’t be hit. Don’t let it be a hulking black woman, though. Then all bets are off.
I agree totally with Green Bean. Don’t start shit if you can’t take shit.

Are you going to just stand there and let him say that to me?


I’m a Patriots fan, we call the brawlers “drunks” or “college students.” Sometimes both.

You have to ask, why was this being filmed? It is like the person recording the event saw that there was something going on between the parties and was ready for a confrontation.

From the title of the thread, I thought this was going to be about a grown man punching out a little girl. A grown 28-year-old woman is not “little,” I don’t care what size she is.

Because everyone and their mother now have video cameras on their phones.

That’s what he said.

Two idiots get in a fight, usually one gets it worse than the other, doesn’t really matter which one.

Absolutely not. You hold him, I’ll go get help.

Me: “Yup!” :smiley:

No, they’re not. A conviction from 20 years ago, especially one as a juvenile, would not be admissible in court.

Looked more like a drunken slap-punch as he was being pulled backwards, rather than anything with muscle behind it. The commentator’s “Slugged her right in the face” comment was stupid.

That’s like saying that if you smile after getting run over by a car then you must have wanted to get hit.

People sometimes react with joy when they realize that a threat is over.

Also, some people automatically cringe or duck when attacked. Others (me included) throw punches. If a woman came at me I might hit her not because I choose it hit a woman but because I punch first and then shriek like a very manly six year old girl.

“Drunk Assholes Hit Each Other,” as an *Onion *caption might say.

It takes two to tango and she certainly didn’t exhibit a large degree of self control.

When I’ve seen altercations like that on the subway, it’s usually between two people who each look like they’ve been in scrapes before.