He-man Jets fan punches out little female Patriots fan. And it's her fault???

If you hit people, you might get hit back. If you don’t want to risk getting hit back, don’t hit people. And don’t come whining to me if you hit someone and they hit you back.

To the OP: who exactly is saying that it is her fault? All I see is people saying that she also did things wrong, which seems true. Last I checked, there is no provision that the slender and light-weight can use violence with impunity. Not that this excuses what the Jets fan did, but it’s not like in an altercation like this, the number of people that could possibly be at fault is limited to one.

What the hell is it about athletic sports that seems to bring out the very worst behavior in some people. Why is it you never hear of this sort of shit happening at chess tournaments?

Maybe if chess tournaments were TO THE DEATH, something along those lines might start happening.

No one gets a free pass on assaulting others. Period.

Everybody seems to be overlooking the key point here:

He’s a Jets fan.

I’ve got a nice scar that will always remind me of the parking lot outside of Kasparov vs Deep Blue Game Five.

Some Shithead Deep Blue Fan: Who the fuck opens with the Four Knights Game?


Debaser: You think he was going to keep playing the Sicilian Defense even after your tub of bolts figured it out?

shoves back

Some Shithead Deep Blue Fan: Fuck you!

punches begin throwing

Debaser: You still think turning down that draw offer on the 23rd move was a good idea, shithead?

kick to the kneecap

Sometime around then I got hit in the head hard with either a beer bottle or a terabyte of RAM, not sure exactly which.

Considering it was 1996, a Terabyte of RAM would have been a rather heavy club.

It could be worse - he could be a Yankees fan!

Add another woman to the count of, “If you don’t want to get hit, don’t start that kind of shit.” If I went flying after some guy the way she did, I’d expect him to slug me.

Not that you’ve any axe to grind here. :stuck_out_tongue:

OK maybe not in the US, it is here.
Wouldn’t he have been tried as an adult for a felony murder charge?

So he hit a girl. That’s bad, but I guess it was justified.

Oh, and he did stab a guy to death that one time. But that was a while ago. Well, I’m sure his mom loves him. He might be an OK guy.


Do we have confirmation of this?

String him up by his fucking balls. Lock him up and throw away the key.


That’s a completely unconvincing thing to me. People react in very strange ways to physical confrontation and stress; smiling and laughing in such situations isn’t at all uncommon, nor is crying or yelling or whatever. No conclusion at all can be drawn from such a thing.

Frankly, both of them were acting like idiots and I wouldn’t mind hearing they’d both done some community service.

She deserved it. He was backing away and she could have walked off but she wanted to continue the fight so he obliged her. Good on him. Maybe next time she’s a bit unhappy about something she won’t resort to violence.

You bitchslap one douchbag Celtics fan while eating Skittles and drinking ice tea in a hoodie. . .

Wait. There are Celtics fans who aren’t douchebags?

You shouldn’t have been acting like a bitch. Sorry about that, Mr. Tyson.

Rep. Pelosi is a Patriots fan? I would have thought she roots for the 49ers and would hit back.

This year the question may be “Are there Celtics fans?”

Based on the video, she’s attacking him. Last time I checked men are still allowed to defend themselves from attacks. Even if it’s coming from a woman.

All the headlines I’ve seen on this incident reads along the lines of “man punches a woman” When it’s clear as day it should be “man defends himself from woman”

Sexism FTW !