Hearing "I like you a lot" from a two year old with a mouthful of S'more that you made.....

…is quite a bit like hearing “I love you” accompanied by a partner’s cilmax.

Thank Og it’s not like hearing a partner’s** climax**, because that would be really perverted.

It’s not perverted, you know exactly what I mean :dubious:

I get that giving a moment of pure joy to someone you love is awesome no matter the context, but drawing that specific parallel is a bit creepy, don’t you think?

No; I obviously don’t.

But I also obviously didn’t convey exactly what I mean. It wasn’t the bestowing joy that I was commenting on. It’s the expression from another person, who of course likes you perfectly fine anyway, prompted by the experience.

Which leads to the ribbing ‘ah, you were just saying that because’. I even said that, but of course he didn’t get it :smiley:

Dude, you should totally tell their Dad this! :o

Hm, not exactly the comparison I was expecting there, but ok.

Mind, I’m not equating making somebody a S’more with giving someone an orgasm.

For one thing, it takes me a lot longer to make a S’more.

The best compliment I’ve ever received as an amateur sand sculptor was from a four year old on a trike who came peddling down the beach, stopped in front of my sand castle and said in all seriousness, “What are you gonna be when you grow up?”.

I was 40 at the time.

I know what you’re trying to say. Kids sometimes have a knack of communicating straight to your soul.


I know what you meant Sicks but do you think for a second this crowd is going to let that fart fly unscored?