Hello, England? Can we come back?

I say, the US just says screw it, and goes back to being a colony. Hell, it wasn’t nearly so screwed up then!
note-I’m not serious…this is just silly, tongue in cheek fun,…what IF

You are joking aren’t you.

We sent you all our convicts layabouts and undesirables(until we discovered Australia) why the hell would we want them back ?

You wanted it - you keep it!!!

If you send us some decent donuts, cheap gasoline and sandbags for our flooded cities, we will gladly help you out in sorting out the election problems.

Oh yeah! I’m moving back to the US <smacks head> See below…

There’s a guy in my U.S. History class who would agree with you. (Nope: no joke. He was born in America, but is totally an…Angophile. He has issues…)

I say what the hell- we’ve made asses of ourselves, and I’m sure none of our politicians are as entertaining as the Queen Mother. God Bless her bony old ass. (Sorry, arse.) Maybe they’ll give us free crumpets if we return to The Empire without a fuss.

:: jumps up on her desk waving the Union Jack, well, the top of a Reebok shoebox actually ::

YEEAAHHH!!! Rule Brittania! Bring on the beer and the cute boys with accents! ::trying to sing:: God save the Queen, all dressed in green … uh … or something …

I think it’s a fine idea, but alas, something tells me you wouldn’t want me.

BTW, Duke, I really hope you were referencing the first part of your sig, not the second.

Why does anyone care if they want us back. If we want it, we’ll take it.

It’s not like they know how to fight.

You could join Canada. No, really. You just have to agree to use our dollar, our parliamentary system, and our accent. Also you all have to learn to speak French.

So the five (now on sixth) years of French haven’t been in vein…!

O Canada…

Do we get to watch as much Terrance and Philip as we can handle?

No way!!! No fucking way!!!
I am the only one who imigrates to Britain here!
I want it all to myself! Uhmkay???

Just fuck Gore and Bush and vote for Minny Mouse. (provided the elections are “rerun”)


Matt, did you kick out Ontario? Last time I was in Toronto, they were speaking English… Meech Lake problems again?

I said you have to learn to speak French, not because you can’t speak English, but because you need to be bilingual. You’re only allowed to immigrate to Canada if you can read both sides of a cereal box on command. This is enforced with random spot checks. (“Matières grasses” is “fat”.)

Cereal-box french: oeuf is NOT pronounced “oof”!!!

Hell, I want to go back to England and dig up Queen Victoria!
I want to hold a seance, and ask her what she thinks of her current successors.
My guess: She’s not amused.

I would like to visit England, but I do not speak Englandish.

Englandish is easy,
First lesson for today,

'ere’s wot yer ordered, now 'urry up, we close in three minutes!!