
Hi my name’s Amanda. Many of you already know of me as little Norinew. I am trying to become a member of the SDMB. I have the money i just don’t have a credit card or paypal account if anyone would be willing to help me i would really appreciate it.Thanks.

Hello, DarkButterfly! Welcome to the SDMB. **Norinew **is one of my favorite posters.

One of the things that makes posts easy to navigate is if you give it a descriptive title, so people can decide if it’s something interesting to them. I reported your post to a Moderator, who can decide if a more descriptive title like “How can I pay for my membership without a credit card or paypal?” might be useful. We’ll see what the Moderator thinks.

Anyhow, I hope you enjoy your guest membership, and I hope someone can help you out with the money thing!

Hello DarkButterfly! Be welcome. Enjoy your stay. :slight_smile:

Can norinew not pay for you?

norinew is having problems with thing like this, she suggested this approach

Ah, I see. Well, let’s see what we can do…

hey mom has just agreed to help, as soon as her pc is workin again i will be a member!

I’ll pay your way in if your other arrangements don’t pan out. Welcome to the board :slight_smile:

thanks hunter, I’m glad to finally be a member

Hey, guys. My puter is down right now, but I’m posting from a friend’s machine. I’ve agreed to help my daughter register as soon as she can get to my house with the cash. I’ll register her while she’s there (I’ll have a new machine tomorrow) so she can pick her own password, etc. So soon, DarkButterfly will be a full-fledged Doper. Hey, AHunter3, the two of you will have a lot to talk about! :wink:

I do wonder what my mother meant by that one :confused:

AHunter3 is well known in these parts for being highly critical of mental health care in the US. I find some of his views extreme, but he’s got some interesting things to say, and always makes me think in new ways.

so everyone already knows which little norinew I am, interesting, well I’m sure AHunter3 well have some interesting things to talk about.

Thinking in new ways? Have you been skipping your meds again?

::hits little red button under middle desk drawer::

Now, you know it may seem to you at the moment that you’ve found a ‘new way’ to think, but we all have to realize that sometimes our sickness has a way of talking, and it is best not to listen.

Here, just drink this for me, now, will you?

Now, now…don’t be difficult. Don’t make me call your mother.

No, I don’t, and no, I didn’t know there were multiple little-norinew’s to choose from.

Nobody tells me anything.

there are actually 3 little norinews but I’m the one that caused some interesting conversations about a year ago and before so many dopers are familiar with my history in case you were wondering Feydeau

So are you gonna tell us all kinds of embarrassing stories about norinew now? Post her baby pictures and her senior prom pictures?

No? spoilsport :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah, OK, so you get to start off with a little bit of Fishbowl Syndrome®. Don’t worry, we’ll take your mind off that. How do you feel about goats?

Fishbowl Syndrome?

Goats…They’re fun to party with lol

Okay, folks, I’m back online and ready to fully participate in this thread, and all the other fun I’ve missed!