Hell's Kitchen - 6/17

Final Five, people! The end is not far off…and Jenn is still here. :mad:
And my idea of Final Two is blown to hell. Hmmmm. If Jenn ends up in the F2, I fear my head might explode.
Anyway, bring it on! If Ramsey can take it, so can I.
For I am the white female Gordon Ramsey! <<snerk>>

Isn’t it the Final Four?

Er. :: Pulls off shoes, counts on toes…:: Dang.

Final Four it is. :o

Quick, need a distraction…Um, which of the blondes was it who left the hot pan for Ramsey? he so didn’t appreciate that.

From the promos it looks like Christina.

I hope it’s not the case, though. If anyone but Jen goes tonight I’m going to be vexed.

I think Jen might make it to the final three - Petrozza, Scheming Blonde (forget her name), and Jen are clearly better than Christina. Jen is competent and brings drama, so she’ll stick around a little longer, I’m sure. But if she gets to the final 2, it will be so obvious that she’ll not be the choice.

I think Scheming Blonde is going to win it. She hasn’t really fallen apart with her food, except for the one show where she put herself up for elimination - but even then, she gained the respect of Ramsay for acknowledging her deficiency (take notes, Jen). Petrozza is always getting slammed for being sloppy. Ramsay isn’t going to want to have a sloppy donkey running his restaurant…

I just can’t decipher what they’re saying for a particular dish - it sounds like “zhan-dory”. I’ve heard it on this show before but not on any others that I can think of.

Answered my own question. I finally heard it enunciated as “John” rather than a French-sounding “Jean.”

It’s John Dory.


And might I say - about fucking time.

I missed at first what Christina, Corey, and Petrozza were talking about after the balloting. When they gave the nominees I thought Christina sold out Corey, until I rewound and watched it again. Clever move!

Ding Dong the witch is dead!!!

Go Petrozza :slight_smile:

Yay! No more Jen.

I’ve noticed that Ramsay seems to get a lot of enjoyment out of insulting people for being fat. I’ve even noticed it in Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares. He often seems to do it in an “I’m your friend and just joking” kind of way which makes it seem especially sadistic.

Was anyone else slightly creeped out by the prize Christina won in the challenge? Yea! You get to go model clothes for Chef Ramsey! What would they have done if the guy had won?

Men don’t wear clothes? :dubious:

Probably had arrangements with a different boutique in case Petrozza had won.
What I found really significant, both in that he said it AND that it was shown to us, was Ramsey’s saying he would no longer complain to Petrozza about how messy he kept his station since he cooked so well. Given that messiness was just about the only complaint he ever had about Petrozza…

Well its about damn time we got rid of Jen! The show will be so much easier to watch with her gone. While I definitely enjoyed Christina’s modeling her crying makes me uncomfortable. Its like watching a little kid cry. I just want to hand her an ice cream or some candy so she stops.

Petrozza is on fire! I would love to see him take it all.

Go Petrozza!

The modeling was creepy.

What would have been creepy is if Jen had won the challenge. Just imagine her modeling clothes for Chef Ramsey.

Knowing how Ramsey needles Petrozza, it likely would have been a “Big and Tall” shop.

I was wondering how far $1000 would really go in Beverly Hills!

She was sort of oddly not-hot. I’m not sure if it was the baggy clothes or if she just isn’t as slender as her face and arms appear, but I was hoping for a little bit more out of that segment.

Yes yes, I’m shallow

This was the first episode I’ve watched of Hell’s Kitchen. While I could do without the staged Fox reality TV drama, this was better than I expected. I might actually watch through until the end.

Of the 3 and based on only one show, I’m in Petrozza’s corner.