HELP!!! Anyone speak FLUENT French?

I don’t speak any French at all, however I am trying to interpret a word, that is possibly French. The word is “destu.” I MUST know the meaning of this word, whatever language it is.

For an example of the word, in use, click here and look at the top of the window.

I speak fluent French but that word is unfamiliar to me. (Hey, I don’t know every word in English either.)

I don’t see an example of the word in use, though, unless you mean in the URL. However, that could well be not the entire word; English sites truncate the word in that position all the time.

Why do you think it’s “destu” and not “destuht,” as it shows up in the URL? Or is it used somewhere else that I’m not seeing?

Oh, I see the word used now, but I still don’t know what it means. Try matt_mcl.

MB, its also in the title of the page.

MSK, I speak fairly good French and have never heard that word. From doing a search, I think its an acronym: DIPLÔME D’ÉTUDES SUPÉRIEURES TECHNOLOGIQUES UNIVERSITAIRES. Roughly translated- A diploma of higher learning from a (technological) university.

This is weird - I don’t see a page title. Are you using IE or Netscape? I see the word down in my taskbar, where it says, “Clic sur destu en métrologie dimensionnelle?” Is that where you see it?

should be in the blue title bar at the top of the browser… the same thing that reads on the taskbar.

MagicalSilverKey, is that the only place you have seen the word used? I think that it’s a typographical error.

Oh my. Good thing I made an eye exam appointment not 1 hour ago - I guess I really need it. :o

My educated guess: it’s either regional slang or a typo. turned up no pages with the word “destu”.

ITF, MSK, you might do well to have the subject line be “What does destu mean?” Just my dime.

I might not have grasped the point here because all I see is an abbreviation for a web site directory / file name.

Is there something more ?

I can’t do the word, how about the whole page?
Try it at:

I am 99% sure that Mojo is correct, as “destu” isn’t a french word. It is the site of the Toulon-Var university of La Garde Cedex, France. So Mojo’s explanation makes a lot of sense. As for acronyms, here’s an exellent database to search for them(English acronyms only, tough…):

Have fun looking up all those damned acronyms you can’t decipher! :slight_smile:

Hmmm…why isn’t it just de (of), then st (student technology), then uht (I dunno, ask them).

Am I still missing the point ? :confused:

DIPLÔME D’ÉTUDES SUPÉRIEURES TECHNOLOGIQUES UNIVERSITAIRES. “D’” is “of” and, like English, doesn’t get included.

De Superieures Technologiques Universitaires - something for ‘H’ - Toulon …is close but no Gauloises ?