Some many months ago, I heard this song on a YouTube recommended video. It was catchy enough that I looked it up and found that it originated in some famous (in Russia) Soviet era movie. It was a young boy that sang it in the movie, and I remember it looking like it was probably filmed in the 1970’s. The melody has gotten into my head tonight, so I wanted to listen to it again, but of course, the one detail I cannot remember about the song is the name. It’s a rather up-tempo little ditty, and I think it may have been a kids movie. Is there anyone here familiar with Soviet-era Russian films that might have a clue?
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The only Russian song I know is “Polyushka Polye”. Here’s the youtube link,. It’s quite catchy. I don’t know if this is the one you mean, but I like it, and it often goes through my head.
If that’s the song, the title is “I’m Very Happy Because, You Know, I’m Finally Going Home.”
Seems to me the song the OP is describing is “Ya Shagayu po Moskve,” “I’m Walking around Moscow,” from the movie of the same name. In Russia, it’s a perennial favorite even now:
The Metro station is *Universitet*, next to Moscow State University.Thanks for trying guys, but so far, none of the songs linked were the one. In the movie clip I saw on Youtube, I think it was one kid singing to another, both boys, IIRC.
Sheesh, memory is a funny beast. I can remember all of these details, but the actual name of the song or movie, nope.
Tell us about the scene where the song was used; that can help a lot.
Or, if you were using YouTube under your own account, just search your history. Mine goes back for months.
I’ll ask my ex. She’s Russian, so if it was in a popular movie, she should know it.