Help finding cartoon character

I remember reading a comic in the late 70s (and the book was old then) about a teen girl that turned into a raging monster.
Her parents lived in fear.
I can’t remember the name… any clues?

Maybe Wolfsbane (Rahne Sinclair) from X-Factor?

way too new.
the one I’m thinking would have been in a Little Lottie comic or similar.

Almost certainly not correct, but is similar to Katie Ka-Boom from Animaniacs.

Lotta. The description doesn’t match up with any Harvey character that I remember or can find.Was this a one-off story or a recurring character?

I remember one comic book from the late 1950s and early 1960s called “Little Lotta”. The cover contained the phrase, “A Whole Lot of Little Lotta” or something similar.

Lotta’s primary feature was that she was very obese. I never got the point of the comic. It may have been that people who are obese are valued members of the community. But I honestly never understood that comic book.

I don’t ever recall any monster in any issue. I used to read it because my younger sister liked it.

Here is a link to a site that contains a bunch of pictures of some of the covers.

You may find what you are looking for on that site.

thanks…if I recall little lotta had superhuman strength.
Katie kaboom is pretty much what I’m wanting. may be conflating memories

FWIW, a Katie Kaboom image search does not violate Rule 34.

Little Lotta was best friends with Little Dot, whose function was to…wear polka dots?

I don’t believe Harvey characters really had points to them.

Remember Red Hot? He was a devil character with horns and a tail who just sort of hung around until the comic book story he was in ended. He didn’t tempt people to do wrong, or frighten kids or anything really. At least Spooky, the derby wearing ghost was a little sassy.

No, but I remember Hot Stuff.

(BTW, there was a recent attempt at a (slightly) edgier reboot.)

You’re right. His name was Hot Stuff. Cripes, a devil character so boring I forgot his name.

Better than Little Audrey, who as far as I recall had no distinctive features at all.

Little Lotta’s size was coupled with super-strength (and a super appetite). She was bullied but she used her strength to put her enemies in their place. Her appetite was a source of humor but she also fulfilled the fantasy of bullied kids of being able to get back at their tormentors.

She just laughed and laughed.

If the girl in the OP was a teen, you’re not likely to find her among the Harvey Comics characters mentioned in most of the replies so far. The premise sounds like one you’d find in an Archie”s Madhouse backup story or gag page.

If Little Audrey actually had contained such black-hearted jokes, it would have been a lot better.

Dot was obsessed with dots. I mean Gotham City Villain-level obsessed.

She also had enough uncles and aunts (there was a whole comic series called “Little Dot’s Uncles and Aunts”) that her parents must have both come from Duggar-level families.

BTW, there’s a new show on Netflix called “The Harvey Street Girls,” which is in its 4th season now. It reimagines Dot, Lotta, Audrey, and (eventually) Richie Rich. It’s cute. I was a huge Harvey Comics fan/collector when I was a kid.

At a minimalist level, many of the Harvey stories dealt with stereotypes, discrimination and redemption. Little Lotta was made fun of because of her size and weight, but usually the ones making fun learn that she’s a kind hearted person who should be respected. Same wit Dot Polka, except it was her obsession with dots, which would always end up helping the person criticizing her, often becoming obsessed with dots too.

Hot Stuff and Spooky were mischievous because they were little boys, but by the end always turned around and made amends for their deeds. Though often it was by Hot Stuff flaming and Spooky booing those who misled them to the deeds.

I have some Harvey e-comics and still enjoy re-reading them.