Help! I write fanfic and I'm also a moron!

I am only semi-computer literate. My recent adventure in trying to find a way of submitting my fanfic has shown me what a technoidiot I truly am. I went to one online archive and they were asking me to send my submission as a .DOC attachment with an email. Okay, I know how to do that.
But does this computer have Word on it? Of course not.
This other place has a nifty automatic system that presumably makes submitting painless.
Not if you’re me, and you can’t pull a .txt file out of your bum!
Do I just have to NAME a file [whatever].txt? Will that do the trick? Or are there some acrobatics involved of which I am painfully ignorant?

None of these archives have any information on the bare bones. I guess every other person in the fricking world is smarter than me.

Hi, Kungfulola! I write fanfic too. What fandom do you write in? Mine’s xfiles.

You say you don’t have Word on your computer. So what programme have you written the fic in?

It’s easy to convert it to a txt file anyway. Highlight and copy your text , then open Notepad and paste it in to that. Then save it as a txt file. That’s all you have to do.

Hey, is it comming out time for Fanfic writers? (psst I have written them too, many stories for different fandoms, latest a Predator fanfic)…

To the problem itself, most word processors should have an option to save as .txt file directly, if not do what Sparrow says.