I have much the same problem (in my personal life; I’m not “the boss” at work). FTR, I’m male, aged 40.
For me, it’s a case of ‘taking the path of least resistance’, or perhaps, ‘making the *minimum *required effort’.
It’s so much easier to just wait around for other people to tell you what they want, and then just do it. It frees one from the burden of having to make any decisions, eliminates the possibility of ‘doing something wrong’, and ensures that whatever you do will make other people happy (because you are doing what they want).
At least, that’s the theory.
In practice, it doesn’t quite work that way though, does it?
Try to look at it this way. You are an intelligent person; you know how to do your job. You are a ‘good’ person who wants what is best for yourself and the people close to you, whether co-workers, or friends and family. So whatever your wishes are, it’s more than likely that they are ‘good’.
In a business setting, you must have skill and knowledge, or you would not already be in the position you are today. There’s no reason to believe that suddenly you’ve ‘forgotten’ how to run a business; you must have done ‘the right things’ to get where you are, so it stands to reason that you will keep doing ‘the right things’ going forward.
In a personal setting, you have friends and family; people who are close to you. You don’t want to ‘upset them’, so you don’t assert yourself. But why would they get upset if you *did *assert yourself? You’re not a complete jerk; you don’t **want **to do things that are going to cause discomfort to the people around you. So if you do what you want, then you won’t upset them, because you will do things that are ‘good’.
Except, of course, when you don’t. Nobody’s perfect, and you will do something stupid, or thoughtless, or just plain incorrect. And that’s why you have friends, and business partners. They are there to ‘look out for you’. They are there to catch you when you make a mistake and say “hey, you might want to reconsider that”.
It is disrespectful to treat others the way you are treating them. It tells them that you don’t have faith in them to treat you properly; you don’t trust them to ‘take care of you’. It may seem like you are being “nice” and “self-sacrificing”, but really you are being selfish. You are making everybody else put their necks on the line for you, and take responsibility for *your *life. You need to take responsibility for your own actions, and trust the people around you to **help **you, instead of making them live your life for you.
I’m sorry if I seem to come off a bit harsh. This is actually a subject that I am struggling with in my own life right at this very moment. This post is as much ‘self-therapy’ for me as it is advice to you.
Good luck to you,