I have helped plenty of folks with computer questions, just hoping a few of y’all might be willing to “like” my business on FB, make it look like I am the cool broadly loved kinda business everyone should have in their contact list
I occasionally post computer tips and links to interesting services I find in my wanderings. The occasional special deal…not a spammy friend I swear.
Take a gander through my page, if you see any tips or items you would be willing to share, please do so.
That’s the smell of basturma curing in the Armenians’ back yards. Stuff will knock a buzzard off a shit truck at 100 yards. Or since it’s Fresno, it might just be the meth labs.
Just posted and liked your Page (I’m Kira). Thanks for all your help! The system you built for me is still running beautifully, never had a problem at all.
It is to die for. My cousin makes his by wrapping it in cheesecloth and hanging it from a tree in his yard. The flies come from miles around to try to get at it. Another one of my cousins eats it for breakfast.
I liked you. And I’ll go like you from my deli page too.
I spent 30 years in Clovis and Fresno. The winery at Olive and Clovis is a smell like no other. I like my new area better, but still have lots of family in your area. I’ll ask them to like you too.