Help me compile a list of why Biden is better than Trump

I have a friend, very liberal and very well read, a socialist if not a communist. I used to work with someone who said, “I am a socialist, sometimes I think I am a communist.” Well I am not a communist. In theory, I am, I would love to live in a world where we all worked together, but show me one reason in the entire fucked up history of the human race that would leave me to believe that is possible. Just one reason. Not happening in less than 100 years, if it ever happens.

But this friend is a fanatic supporter of Bernie Sanders , who I generally support. And now that Bernie is no longer in the running, his political posts have dwindled down. The Great Bernie will not fly over us from the heavens, , throwing down flyers telling us how he will lead us to a Utopian world where we all just get along. But he keeps throwing things in about how, in general, that Biden is a centrist Democrat who will do nothing to change the staus quo, he has said that he will work with the Republicans to get things done.

Bullshit. Well, in broader sense, the Democratic Party is nothing more than the left wing of the Republican Party. Real progressive change is not going to happen. Universal health care? Not going to happen unless the Democrats get a fillibuster proof majority in the Senate, and even if they do, not going to happen, most of those Democrats are going to be centrists, bought by the health care industry. The only way things are going to change is electing people at the local and state level first, then the Congress, then the President. It sucks, but incremental change is the only way change is going to happen.

I have the obvious reasons Biden is better than Trump. Biden (or Hillary) would not have ignored COVID in January, Biden would not have said it would disappear as is by magic, Biden would not have recommened a drug that had not been tested. Biden would not have tried to eliminate the ACA, Biden would not have nominated Kavanaught. Biden would not have ignored, or been unable to read, his intelligence briefings. Etcetera, etcetera.

I ask this not really to refute my friend, hell I guess he thinks that someday people will be marching in the streets demanding bread, but as general refutation of my other Facebook friends who, decent people all (though woefully misinformed) , continue to support the Oranagutan in Chief. Sorry to insult the orangutans.

Sorry, but there is not a single solitary thing about Biden that is better than President Trump. Biden has been part of the political system for over 30 years. If he has better ideas about how to improve America, why hasn’t he solved our problems by now? He is a joke.

If at the point in time after all Trump has said, done, undone and didn’t do at all you can’t see what is right in front of your face, then trying to convince you will probably be a complete waste of time.

Okay, I’ll help get you started:

  1. Biden - Superior emotional intelligence. Based on what we’ve seen and heard from both to this point, Biden seems much less likely to be triggered and isn’t as likely to take things personally.

  2. Biden - Team building. He is much more likely to speak in terms of “us” and “we” rather than “I”. Joe seems more likely to actually want to build consensus and inclusion.

  3. Biden - Dignity and respect. Joe seems much more dignified in a way that we would expect the President to be. More likely to garner respect and cooperation around the world.

  4. Biden - Open to science and counsel. Joe seems less likely to regularly disregard science and more likely to listen to advice and counsel.

I’ll stop there for now.

I believe you mean that there’s no way that Trump is superior to Biden. In any category. Except “Bigger Pustule of Vile Intent and Content.”

I don’t have a vote, and like many UK citizens I watch what goes on in America with the kind of awe that you might get watching a train wreck live.

As far as I can see, the main way in which Biden is superior is that he is Not Trump.

Came here to say this. Most anyone alive is superior to the OrangeMenace, those who can’t/won’t see this… well, I don’t have polite words for them.

Up until 2016, America was safer, cleaner, more open, had fewer uninsured people, and on and on, than it had been in decades. In fact, Tim, if you graphed crime, especially violent crime, and water and air pollution, from 1972 when he first became Senator until the end of his term as VP, I think you’d be impressed!

Does he get credit for that? Well, as much as any senator, I guess. What did you expect him to do while he was senator?

Because we don’t live in a fairytale world where good and benevolent kings rule the land and solve all the problems in the kingdom and make people love them.

We live in a nation where 63M deplorable rubes vote for an incompetent charlatan and believe all problems would be solved if only they could put a crown on the head of the orange assclown. And when he dies, pass the crown to one of his idiot sons. It’s a cult of obsequious subservience and a longing not for freedom but cultish servitude.

As long as that remains true, there is no single person who can solve all the problems in the next 30 years.

Tell your friend nobody gives a shit if he votes for Biden or not.

He should write in “Saint Bernard” on the ballot. Except he won’t. Because likely as not he didn’t show up to vote for his beloved idol any more than he’ll show up to not vote for Biden.

@OP: Your friend is all heart and no brain. Forget changing his mind. It’s Proletarianism all the way down.

Biden: “I’ll read the daily briefings”
Everyone: “You had us at ‘I’ll read’”

Ask him to name the issues that he cares about. Then show how Biden is closer to that position that Trump is.

Point out that Democracy is always a compromise with people you don’t agree with. And that it’s better to get some of what you want than none.

Point out that all of the progressive movement that has ever happened has been gradual, and that the only reason that Trump won was that the regressives were fighting back–and the progressives were sitting out.

Point out that one of the things people do when they can’t get you to vote for them is to get you to give

Point out that Trump clearly isn’t the same to their LGBT or PoC friends, as he opposes their rights. Biden supports BLM–Trump wants to have the police stop them.

Finally, point out that Bernie himself said that Biden is better, and that you should vote for him. If you think so highly of Bernie, why suddenly think he’s wrong now?

This is the Vox article I mentioned Friday night: Joe Biden’s extensive policy agenda, explained - Vox.

For something a bit different you might want to show your friend this story about Biden which is used by a negotiation expert to illustrate how good negotiators operate. It’s from 1979 and involves Biden negotiating with the Soviet foreign minister about an arms-control treaty and shows how shrewd he was even as a fairly inexperienced 37 year old senator.

How about mentioning that besides having an extended political career, prior to running for office, did Joe Biden:

  1. Have six bankruptcies in flawed businesses funded by dad money?
  2. Was denied owning an NFL football team because the commission was not convinced he could hold it due to past investment fraud?
  3. Was and is denied having a casino in Las Vegas due to past investment fraud and not being able to secure a loan from a US bank since 1998?
  4. Set up a phony university and was ordered to close it for fraud?

thanks for the input everyone. I have written and posted on Facebook. I did not direct it to my friend, if he sees it he might think I was responding to him, or he might not even see it, he lives in Australia. It is pointless really, I am not going to change anyone’s mind. At least I can say that I did my part to fight ignorance.

Biden is sane. Trump is not.

I’m not generally fond of Biden as he is a career politician and has done a bunch of awful stuff (like the crime bill and Iraq war), and I voted against him in the primary. But since there is not going to be a strongly progressive presidential candidate, that actually works in his favor. As a career politician he’s big on keeping the US as a respected world power, which means he’ll work to calm down a lot of situations and undo a lot of Trump’s damage. He’s also big on keeping the country functioning, and using science and sensible policies, so even if he’s way more corporate friendly than I would want, he’s going to respond to things like pandemics in a sensible way and he’s not going to try to gut regulatory organizations. Also, while he doesn’t seem to have a strong moral framework for what he supports, the fact that there are huge progressive movements going on means that his ‘career politician’ stance means he’ll probably be significantly more progressive than his record indicates. BLM was at over 60% approval among white people a month ago, and support for healthcare reform (even if not UHC) and workers during the pandemic are also historically high.

Finally, there are not a lot of powerful 70+ white men in politics who would be willing to play second in command to a black man for eight years, following his lead without undermining him. The fact that Biden was willing and able to be a good VP for the first black president of the US says a lot about how he relates to racial issues. This is not something I noticed on my own, but rather saw as one of the reasons why black voters like him. I’m not sure that Bernie Sanders would have been able to do the same had Obama picked him as VP (purely hypothetical, it wouldn’t realistically have happened).

We elected someone who was not a “career politician” and what has it shown us? That experience matters, and that being a career politician isn’t a bad thing when one is choosing a politician for whom to vote. When you or a family member needs surgery, do you pick someone who has little experience or do you pick someone with years of experience (in other words a career surgeon)?

Trump never did anything awful like vote for the Iraq war because he never did anything in politics or government service before this. We will be far better off with Biden in the White House and we would have been far better off had Hillary Clinton been elected.