Help me ditch Internet Explorer (and possibly Outlook Express)

Wow! Thanks for the responses everyone, lots of good input here. Once again, I’m impressed by the teeming millions.

Another Mozilla fan chiming in here. I like the following about it:

1: As other have said, popup blocking. If you need them for some site or other, you can allow them on a per-site basis.

2: Tabbed browsing. Yeah baby! Awesome for modem users. I have it set up to open links I click on with the mouse wheel to open tabs in the background. That way, I can read, say,, merrily middle-clicking on whatever links I fancy. When I’ve finished clicking, the first one is loaded and I just switch tabs.

3: Web image blocking on a per-site basis. Just right-click on an ad and choose “block all images from this server”. Doesn’t yet work with Flash ads tho…

4: Blocks automatic loading of images in email. Spammers love it when you preview HTML messages; the images the code loads tell them that their mail reached you, validating your address as good. Poo on them.

5: Bayesian Spam filtering rocks! Catches 99% of my spam. Has false-positived once and it was someone I didn’t really want to hear from anyway.

6: Multiple mail servers handled. Agent STILL doesn’t support this (“any day now…”)

Tried browsing on IE the other day and couldn’t believe the difference. How do people put up with the web like that??? Agent still beats Mozilla as a newsreader, however.

Heartily recomended.


Hmm…how could I forget: Bookmark a group of tabs.

You can keep all your regular sites under one bookmark and open them all with a single click, or, as I tend to do, if I have a load of sites open in tabs and need to restart my machine for whatever reason, I just bookmark them all and can go straight back where I was.