Help me find a book that catalogues electrical components.

Hi, I’m thinking about manufacturing/marketing a product and I was told on an inventor’s newsgroup to look for a book that catalogues electrical components w/ part numbers.

Could anyone here tell me the title of similar books?


A quick search of Amazon brought this up. It’s a reference guide for electrical components but I’m not sure if they list part numbers. Amazon also provides related materal that might be of help to you.

For general electronics componets, I use any of the major industrila catalogs. They list specs and equivalences.

For semiconductors, I have a shelf full of references (and their downloadable equivalents, but I’ve been doing electronics since I was a tot, and the books are like old friends) There are many useful transistor substitution guides, but for integrated circuits, youmay be better off with the more detailed manufacturer catalogs, unless it’s a common enough chip to be practically generic, and even then, a circuit can snag on seemingly minor differences between makers.

There are omnibus references for ICs, like the Master IC Handbook, but I find my old way works better for me (more detailed specs and more accurate for the actual products you’ll buy). It’s also cheaper - nom tter what the cover price, you can usually get the catalogues for the price of a snail-mail request or even download them, if you hunt around he manufacturer’s site really hard (they often hide the darn things pretty well) Once upon a time, the manufacturers had some pretty nifty e-versions, but the reign of the PDf killed some of the neater features, like nehanced searching, and made them little better than the hardcopy

National Semiconductor makes a nice line of Applications Notes and Spec books, but that may be personal bias, and it’s not all inclusive. Motorola, and the other makers do the same. For inventions, I often turn to smaller makers like Maxam and Analog Devices, who make nifty near-specialty parts with great specs at decent prices

For starters I would get catalogs from Newark and Digi-Key.

First find what you need in these catalogs. And then if you need more specs, contact the component manufacturer.

This was started online many years ago. It’s very similar to the ICMaster (as you can probably tell by the name).

I also tend to keep Newark and Digikey catalogs handy when designing, just to see what is commonly available from the larger supply houses. I changed the PIC micro I was using in a design because Digikey and Newark tended to stock a slightly different version in much greater numbers.