Help me find a new hair style / stylist [mens]

Ok so I am coming up on my 38th birthday and I’m not particularly pleased with my hair. I’ve been having it cut in roughly the same style for… oh… about 30 years. And it seems to me that what worked well as a kid, and ok for a 20 something, may not be doing as well as it might anymore.

My goal is to find the cut/hairstyle that works best for my now receeding but still fairly full head of hair. I’ve tried a couple of times over the last year, having the girls at my regular place in the strip mall give me various styles. But have discovered that although they take direction well, they aren’t exactly spectacular at freestyle. And my results have been unsatisfactory and pretty much as soon as my hair is long enough to go back to my regular cut I have done so.

So I have moved on to a new clever plan. I plan to find a high end experienced stylist. Someone who 1- knows men’s hairstyles, 2- can look at me a see what styles would work well with my face and hair, and 3- is willing to show me what the cut is and how to style it. So I can go back and provide the information to the girls at my regular place. And then maintain it myself

Unfortunately my clever plan has one glaring flaw. I have no idea how to find this mythical stylist expert. But I figured if anyone knew it would be the Teeming Millions™.

So has anyone done something like this before?

How did you find your expert?

Does anyone actually know of any such experts, especially in the Southwest Denver Metro area?

Were there any problems with the idea that you would be going to someone else in the future?

Well, you just don’t tell them you’re going back to your regular girls, of course.

Good luck - I’m always having the same problem, although I’m a girl. Last time I got a fantastic cut that I loved, though. Probably never happen again.

The problem with not telling them is they get curious when I ask exactly what they have done. :slight_smile:

When I describe what I want to my stylist I include what equipment is generally used where. I’m not trying to tell them how to do it per say. But I find saying a tool length (like a number 5 clipper), rather than a length (5/8th of a inch) is more likely to give me what I like. And when I smiply point out that I have thick straight hair I am likely to get hair that points straight out above my ears. But if I say that nomally they use thinning scissors above my ears, I generally get better results.

Asking for those kind of specifics will likely let the cat out of the bag, so to speak.