Bored work Dopers might want to help with this. This game has occupied my time for a couple of days. After all that practice, my high score remains 24,000. Meanwhile, a look at the high score list indicates that people are regulary scoring over 100,000. What am I doing wrong? Could it be the speed of my connection?
My top trick is the superman + invert + grind + smooth landing for 2280 points. Am I missing some secret? Can the great time-wasting minds of this board meet this challenge?
I drove into both hot dog carts, and the mail box, and I did not fall down, and I didn’t get any points for not falling down.
I’ve ridden into things before in real life while biking, and I’ve always fallen down. (Not often, mind you, but it has happened). This is a truly remarkable thing I have accomplished, but I didn’t get any points.
First, nitpick. People aren’t scoring 100K often. Only the very highest scores.
Okay, after playing the game a few minutes (and not scoring any higher than you), here’s what I’ve come up with. First, obviously go fast the whole time, and never crash. People who score the highest might have a keyboard that will automatically rapidly hit “F” for them. Also, hit jump (spacebar) right as you go off any jump. This seems to get higher height, and more time for tricks. Finally, combos of course. A long grind is worth quite a bit. But not as much as some tricks landing into a grind.
That’s all I can come up with. I’m more a Tony Hawk person anyway.
I don’t think this has anything to do with the keyboard itself. It’s probably the keyboard settings. If you’re in Windows 2000, go to Start, Settings, Control Panel, Keyboard, Speed, and slide the Repeat Rate towards “Fast.” For other versions of Windows, it should be very similar.
Then you can just hold down F and it will be as if you are pressing it very rapidly.
There’s one path you can stay on down the center. If you’re lined up right, you will hit several good jumps, and one jump where you can do two tricks into a grind if you’re going fast enough. Also, the lower hot dog cart, which you need to make sure your going fast enough to get over. The path is slightly further down than than the position you start in.
While I coudn’t get even CLOSE to 100K, I could see how if I had a keyboard that hit “f” automatically (to go REALLY fast, and get even more tricks in per jump), it would be possible.