Help me ID/translate this cut of beef from German

The German word is Rindersuppenfleisch which literally means “beef soup meat”. Of course based on that I have enough info to know what to do with it. (In fact I bought it specifically for the crockpot), but I’d like to know at least something more specific about it, mainly because I like to do research and I like to learn about food. I was able to figure out the last one I bought (Rinderbeinscheibe = “cross cut shank” IIRC), but this one seems more difficult because it doesn’t translate to a specific body part.

Here’s the exact product in question.

Beef in German soup is mostly shank or short rib…is that a beef shank I see there?

Hmmm, according to a random internet site, it could be short rib, brisket or shoulder. I’m clearly no help here. :slight_smile:

Looks like half of a bottom round to me. Like they kept the large roast from the other side as a roast and made steaks out of the rest.

Well, I do appreciate the effort :slight_smile:

Anyone else wanna take a stab?

(directed to Maserschmidt)

Tried to get some sort of confirmation from some quick googling (also compared an image search of one to the other). I have no idea.

Yeah, it’s really hard to tell, but it doesn’t really look like brisket, shoulder, short rib, or shank to me. I think some variation of round or possibly rump is in the ballpark. It gets difficult translating names of cuts, as butchering traditions are a bit different around the world. It could be something like round just cut differently so that it goes through top, eye, and bottom. That could explain the three sections separated by the connective tissue in the first photo, but this is all a guess to me. At any rate, I’m guessing something towards the back of the bovine.

But if “Rindersuppenfleisch” is anywhere near as generic as “beef stew meat” is in US English (and it sounds like it is pretty generic), it could be any of a number of cuts.

I like how rectangular it is in the package. Very precise, very German. No sloppy irregular cuts permitted!

You should check out Ritter Sport’s (chocolate bars) slogan: “Quadratisch. Praktisch. Gut.” Square. Practical. Good. When considering chocolate, practicality is one of my first considerations. Nothing like a good, square, practical chocolate bar. :slight_smile: How quintessentially German (even if it happens to be a little tongue-in-cheek. I don’t know if it is or isn’t.)

From my intensive google crash course on cuts of beef I have’t seen anything to contradict your general assessment.

Hoping someone can give a proof-positive confirmation.

After a little research; in the original picture it looks as though the piece of meat furthest from you butts up to the femur bone and the piece of meat is portions of the bottom round and eye of round. (scroll down a page)

that’s my best guess

I spent last weekend drinking this. I assumed it was tongue-in-cheek. It’s not. According to the website it’s a genuine attempt to make a statement against the over abundance of big marketing.

I can’t translate it from German, but it looks like a 7 blade roast to me.

The German translation is, roughly, “beef soup meat.” (ETA: :smack: which I see is in the OP. Never mind me.)

It wasn’t until I lived in Germany that I discovered there are multiple ways to cut beef - and thus many cuts were different than what I knew in the US.

Here is a chart that defines different cuts in multiple languages - it might help.

We’re looking at it and think it’s shank without the bone (since the label says “without bone”).

It’s not completely impossible, but it doesn’t look like any boneless shank I’m used to seeing. Then again, like I said, different cultures butcher their meat differently, so it could just be an unusual (to me) cut of the shank.

I’d say this lady nailed it.

And there is a Wikipedia article (in German) about Suppenfleisch which I’m too lazy to translate myself (plus there is always an entertainment value to machine translations) :

Oh my. Google translate got the wrong sense of the word “schwanz” there. That last one should be “tail.”

Anyway “hesse” means “shank” and “breast” would better translate as “brisket” for beef terminology. Any of those cuts will work well in soup or stews. Generally, for those uses, my favorite cuts are short ribs, chuck, and shank.