help me identify this tune

Ok, this is a strange request, but I heard this little tune on this video, and while it sounds familiar, I cannot place it? Is it Scarbourogh fair? (sp?) Please help, It is drivng me nuts!

As a warning, the video is kinda wierd and sexual in nature.

Yeah, that link is not work safe - it’s apparently a porn site.

Well, my curiosity got the better of me. That song sounds like the intro theme to Disney’s Robin Hood, but you might know it has the “Hamster Dance” song.

The boards are acting up again so I’m not sure if this will post. I listened to the original tune. More specifically it’s “Whistle Stop” by Roger Miller from the Disney’s Robin Hood soundtrack. 100% confidence.

The boards are acting up again so I’m not sure if this will post. I listened to the original tune. More specifically it’s “Whistle Stop” by Roger Miller from the Disney’s Robin Hood soundtrack. 100% confidence.