Help me out with Ghostbusters 2.

Ok. GB1 was a good flick. In that movie the GB save NYC from being over run by ghosts. The ghosts where visible to everyone, including the mayor. There was no denying the ghosts were real.They were heroes at the end of the movie. Everyone was worshipping them for saving NYC from the ghosts.

Move to GB2. All of a sudden the GB find this evil goo underneath the city and nobody believes them because ghosts aren’t real and the whole idea is absurd.


Did they forget about being saved by the GB in the first one so fast that they are not going to believe the possiblity that there are more ghosts left? The judge takes their guns and locks them in jail because he doesn’t believe them.

Can someone explain this logic to me? I would think that saving the city from the ghosts the first time would have been enough proof that these guys weren’t crazies, but apparently not. What does it take to prove that there are ghosts in the sewers of NYC?

Didnt’ the goo have some sort of effect on people’s minds? IIRC the goo made people nasty and mean. Or maybe it was the other way around and the nasty people feed the goo and people were supposed to be nice. I know they made some anti-goo and sprayed people with it and that made them happy.

Boy, this is hazy, but I think they got arrested for violating a court order that they were not to use their equipment.

While they saved New York, they also caused massive damage, and people went about recovering those funds by suing them. Eventually, riding the wave of public opinion, someone got an injunction against their equipment.

The real reason is that it’s no fun to watch someone be the king of the world.

I still don’t understand why everyone forgets that they did some good the time before. Zebra is right about the goo, though.

Kind of the same reason Agent Scully never believed Fox Mulder until the sixth or seventh time she was abducted by aliens.

You must be mistaken. There was no sequel to Ghostbusters.
Just like there was no sequel to Highlander.


No, the real sequel to Ghostbusters was the animated series The Real Ghostbusters.

I think the answer to your question is in the title card of the film:

“Five Years Later…”

If you want to be ultra cynical, which they obviously were, the public has a really short attention span.

Question: wouldn’t just being sprayed with goo be enought to piss any normal person off?

Must. Not. Think. Of. Highlander. and. Sequel. In. Same. Sentence. . . . AARGH!

It’s never stated explicitly in the movie (I own the DVD, the gods help me, because I have a terrible, horrible crush on Egon Spengler and most of the badness of the movie is plot-related rather than character-related), but I strongly got the impression that Walter Peck (the screaming guy from the EPA played by William Atherton in the first movie) managed to eventually discredit Our Heroes in the media after all the marshmallow gunk got cleaned up. Even those who believed the ghosts were real in the first movie had second thoughts once Gozer was blown back through the gate and took the giant Twinkie of PK energy with her/him. It’s much more comforting to think that was all a hallucination, and that all the weird-science paraphenalia caused it. I suspect he was also the motive force behind the court order, although the Mayor’s slimy assistant, who seems to have a personal grudge against Venkmann, might also be a suspect there.

The mood slime was negative when found, and physically grew (as well as burbling in a comic-ominous fashion) when exposed to more negative energy. However, Ray and Egon discovered that it could be positively charged by saying supportive and nurturing things to it, playing it Jackie Wilson songs, and, uh, other methods. :wink:

I liked GBII, so help me.

Anyway, Omorka’s right, when Gozer left, so did all the ghosts in New York. Without constant evidence, the people went back to disbelieving, until Vigo showed up and riled the dead again.

I always took it that the ghostbusters were scapgoats for the whole thing.

Half the city got destroyed by a mashmellow man, but since you can’t sue the ghosts for the damage, sue the ghostbusters.

With that kind of gratitude, they should have just left town and let gozer finish NYC off in the first movie.

likes GB2, but liked the first one a lot more

And the real sequel to Highlander was the Highlander TV series. :smiley:

I thought Walter Peck was (between the two movies) able to convince everyone that the Ghostbusters used nerve gas to make everyone halucinate.