Help me upload a pic to share.

Okay, I’m feeling very tech un-savy today. I’ve tried two sites that are supposedly very easy. Designed for grandparents type easy, and I can’t get this pic to load. I’ve got it all shrunk down and saved as a jpeg. pixagogo gives me some message about not a valid user name, and google says it isn’t a jpeg. Ugh! Come to my rescue, people. I’ve got a cat pic to show the you. :slight_smile:



Browse, find the picture, hit Upload, copy and share address.

I use photobucket and it works great!

Thanks guys! Imageshack seems to have done it! One cat pic coming up on another GQ thread.

I have found that nothing is simpler than a Blog through Google (, that in conjunction with Picassa.
When veiwing an image in Picassa (an excellent viewer and editor, free) just hit the "BlogThis " button and off it goes. Just enter a caption and you’re done. You can select which of your blogs to send it to or start a new one at any time.
I found this to be the easiest fastest and freindliest way to share photos on the net so far.
The kicker is you’re given an adress for the blog like, No passwords.
You do need a Gmail account (which only helps tie the Google services together, a good thing) if you need an invitation I can send you one. Then you install Picassa and start your own Blog. If I was at your machine I could do the whole thing in about 15 minutes. It may take you about a half an hour if your new at it, but once you get it going it is SUPER easy from then on.