Help me with my network

Okay so about two weeks ago I set up the network in my house, mainly to share internet. I have XP pro running, and my mom has Windows 98 running. Up until a few days ago everything was working fine, then the power went out, and apparently my mom hasn’t been able to get online. I checked it out, and she’s able to get an IP address assigned, and we’re able to see eachother as far as the “Network Places” browsing goes, however the two computers for whatever reason will not communicate. I’ve checked everything I’ve known to be a problem before (except the cable running from the hub to under the house, to her computer, but it’s showing all green lights). Frankly I’m stumped as to what the problem could be. So Dopers, please help out and post every single possible problem it could be (no matter how trivial and seemingly obvious, as I’m known to look over those problems the most)

To clarify, are you trying to get file sharing between the two computers to work? Are both machines able to surf the web?

If so, try using your IP to to share the folders rather than computer name. eg. use \\Shared Folder rather than \xgxlx\Shared Folder.

Is it a router?

Have you tried resetting the router?
How about unplugging the router and powering back on after a minute?

I had a similar problem just 3 days ago. The main computer conencted to the 1st port was getting internet, but my others were not. It wouldn’t pick up the proper ip address. all the computers on the network should be 192.x.x.x…
i was getting 169.x.x.x…
unplugging the power of the router solved it…

Okay Sorry I should have clarified better earlier, but I was in a hurry to leave for work and just assumed you guys were telepaths!

Computer A (mine) is connected to the cable modem. Computer B (my mom’s) is connected to my 2nd network card through a hub. (essentially my computer is both a desktop and a router). Both computers see eachother, but for some reason are unable to communicate (share internet or files).