Let me start off by saying I am in no way seeking diagnosis or medical treatment advice.
Here’s the situation: I applied for a job with the Federal government. I passed their basic physical but because of a history of asthma they want me to take an FEV1 test. Please, do not start about how an employer should pay for required pre-employment testing, etc. - I’ve heard it all before but we’re talking about the Feds. Maybe it’s not in the contract for the physicians they’re using. Whatever.
Anyhow - the Feds were very clear they want JUST the FEV1. Just that. Nothing else. Please do not spend my money on anything more elaborate than that.
I can NOT get this test scheduled!
I have talked to numerous doctor’s offices. Most have insisted that I have a COMPLETE physical before they will even discuss this test. I have already HAD a physical. They talk about interpreting the test - the Fed doctors will interpret the results. They talk about “asthma education” and “follow-up” - I’ve had fucking asthma for 40+ years and, having managed to stay out of the hospital entirely and going MONTHS, sometimes YEARS, without exacerbations I think I’m managing pretty well, thank you. So far the “winner” has been the office that said I’d have to become an official patient, get a physical, etc. and I said, OK, let’s say I do that, how soon can you get me in and the reply was “I’m sorry, the doctor is not accepting new patients at this time…” :rolleyes:
My lack of medical insurance has not helped. I had one office hang up on me. I have been scolded for being “irresponsible” for not having insurance. I had an office refuse to schedule me since “if you don’t have insurance you obviously can’t pay for services”. Um… I am TRYING to get a JOB with BENEFITS so I WILL HAVE insurance…!
I have been accused of doctor shopping. Well, perhaps I am, but it is at the request of a potential employer who apparently wants me as they have called/e-mailed me several times over the past month encouraging me to get this done.
I have the ability to pay in cash several hundred dollars up front, if necessary (yes, I have friends and family).
OK - am I missing a Magic Phrase? A Secret Handshake? What the fuck do I have to do to get this test? Docs, help me out - I have less than 60 days to get this done or I lose this job opportunity. How do I get an FEV1 test?
(No, I do not have a “regular doctor”. I don’t have health insurance. People without health insurance do not have “regular doctors”, they don’t see doctors until there is a pressing need for one. I did contact the doc I saw in January 2007 because of a norovirus infection but he was not helpful.)
I live in Northwest Indiana, but I am more than willing to travel to South Bend or Chicago to get this test DONE so I can get my foot in the door with this agency, get out of poverty, get health benefits, and basically back to somewhat of a normal existence. I would like focused, helpful advice please, on how to achieve this (I thought) modest goal.