Help Solve an Arguement...Jesus or the Mona Lisa.

We just can’t decide.

I see Jesus… He’s on His way so get busy!

Dude. It’s totally Jesus. Mona Lisa???

Dude, It’s Strongbad. Not Jesus, Not the Mona Lisa, but Strongbad.

Easy. The afterimage that you’re supposed to see on the wall is a black/white reverseof the original, and defocused to blur out the details. Now you decide what it looks like.

I thought this was going to be one of those “marry, fuck, or push off a cliff” one.

FTR, Jesus could be hot if he had a shower first, and I bet Mona would make a great fag hag.

Well, since when did the ML have so much upper-lip hair?

It’s an image of the popular conception of how Jesus looked.

I see a JPEG where a GIF should be.

That and Charles Manson. Or Rasputin.

I saw what looked sort of like Jesus wearing a Phantom of the Opera mask.

That is so obviously Viggo Mortensen as Aragorn. Too easy. Got any more?

How 'bout some Magic Eye stuff, much more funner.

I saw dead people.

I saw the Zig-Zag® guy.

I need a nap.

Ted Nugent?

Wayne Coyne with long hair.

George Harrison

That’s pretty much what I was going to say.

Mona Lisa?


It’s Mona Jesus.


I saw Jesus!

It’s Freddy Krueger or a Mighty Duck.