…and the Momma wants me to lie about it.
Backstory: My best friend of 16 years gave birth to a beautiful baby boy 6 months ago. The clock is ticking on baptism and various in-laws and well-meaning (nosy) acquaintances are tapping their watches and shaking their heads. I can only presume this is because in Catholic theology, should the little one die before he is baptized, he will sit forever in purgatory.
Anyhow, my best friend asked me to be his godparent months before he was born, and I happily agreed! We always knew growing up that we would love each other’s future children as our own, and should something actually happen to his parents, I really don’t want him going to his abusive grandparents (both paternal and maternal, I’m afraid).
There’s just one problem: I’m not catholic, and apparently, I need to be.
It makes sense on some level – the church wants to ensure that were something to happen to the parents, the child would still be given a good catholic upbringing. The fact that I’m a christian (but not catholic) is not enough according to the deacon she spoke with. So my best friend has asked me to lie and tell the church that I am catholic, so I will be the “official” godparent, and my name will go on the certificate (which I assume will be important for legal purposes).
But lie? To the church? Stand there in front of the priest and straight out lie to his face? Never mind that the baptism won’t be “official” in the eyes of God if I lie, never mind that my best friend doesn’t seem to be a very “good” catholic. I feel really uncomfortable about doing this. But my best friend said she wants only me as the godparent, and she really wants me to do it “for her.”
Dopers, help: I know it’s unethical to lie to any organization to gain something, and this strikes an especially wrong chord with me because it’s messing with religion and people’s beliefs, which I try to respect. But my best friend trusts me and me alone to take care of her child when she can’t, and has specifically requested that I do this for her. I’m inclined to go through with it because it is my best friend’s wish.
So at this point, I would really appreciate any kind of Doper feedback on the situation. Is there the potential to really offend someone, or does this situation happen all the time? Are there any legal options to make me the godparent that have precedent over the religious ceremony? WWADD (what would a Doper do)? I truly welcome all commments and insights that you’re willing to share!
(…unless you want to turn this into a debate about catholic doctrine or criticize their practices. Then I would recommend a separate thread in the pit with a link back to this thread – but I might beat you to it!)