while we’re at it, what about pulling restrictions from pass interference and tackling the quarterback?
i know that’s like signing a death warrant for recievers and quarterbacks because the defensive players are oh-so big and oh-so fast…but i only got to see dick lane clothesline people in black and white footage. i wanna see a reciever get their cleats airborne, dammit.
can i at least be deputy commish?
When interviewed yesterday our owner wondered aloud if the job hadn’t become too big for one person alone and if it wouldn’t be better to have two co-comissioners, one for the football side and one for the business.
Eliminate the requirement that regular season ticket holders purchase tickets for exhibition games. Why make people buy tickets for two games they don’t want to see in order to go to eight games that they do?
Move the hashmarks back to where the colleges have them. Maybe if the FG wasn’t such a straight shot, teams might get less conservative inside the 30.
Give the network 3 timeouts per half just like the teams. Thus there could be at most 18 commercial breaks during a game, excluding halftime.
Go back to where the clock always stops when the runner goes out of bounds.
Eliminate the “goal line extends to infinity” crap. Either you get the ball over the line in bounds or you don’t.
Do like the Big Ten- all challenges and decisions come from the replay official in the booth.
Stop showing the same teams on MNF all the time. Cowboys, Giants, Raiders… enough already! let’s see the Lions and other teams that have been snubbed for years.
I’m going to temporarily hijack my own thread to disagree about this point. I figure both teams have already had a chance to win the game outright in the first 60 minutes of the game, and the defense has a chance to score in sudden death OT, so it is a prefectly fair system. Don’t get me started on the college OT system!
And now, back to the commissioner discussion!
BobLibDem has my vote so far, even allowing for his out of bounds clock stoppage rule. That nonsense about having to pay full price for an exhibition game has got to go.
Right now, all kinds of glamorous names are being bandied about, from Condi Rice to Bill Clinton.
Both smart, capable people, but neither is worthy of consideration, and I’m pretty sure neither will GET any real consideration.
The NFL has only had 2 commissioners since I was old enough to walk, and both were long-time league insiders. I’d be astonished if the next commissioner isn’t another veteran league insider- very likely somebody well respected in the industry but who the average fan has never heard of.
The first thing I’d do if I got the job is replace two of the preseason games with regular season games. Essentially keeping the same number of home games, but changing the regular season into a 18 game schedule.
This allows teams, under the current divsional system, to always play every team within two of the 4 divisions in their conference once each season, in addition to their interdivisional games. The final 4 games to be played against on division in the opposite conference. Therefore teams will have to better dominate their conference to make the playoffs as a wildcard and there’ll be a more frequent rotation of teams playing intra-conference teams. I won’t have to wait 6 years between seeing the Bears pummel the Giants at home.
Next I’d create a special cap exception to allow teams to keep long standing franchise players. The NFL equivalent of the Larry Bird rule. Suppose a guy, like Bettis or McGinnest, plays on a team for 9 consecutive season he’s allowed extra contract money which doesn’t count against the cap. Call it a $6-8 million max over cap dispersed between no more than 3 players. As much as I love parity and think the system is a good one, I’d like to see a world where the Jerry Rices, Emmitt Smiths, and Ronnie Lotts of the world don’t retire in goofy looking unis.
I’m getting on the the no sudden death overtime bandwagon as well.
I’m going to allow coaches to wear whatever they want on the sidelines. If a guy wants to break out the fedora and a three-piece, let him. I’m tired of coaches looking like homeless guys. Additionally those god awful baseball hats they wear need to go too.
To steal one from TSG, I’m instituting a permanant Super Bowl site rotation, for review every 10 years. New Orleans, Miami, San Diego and Las Vegas. The last one’s tricky, I’ll find a way.
I’m banning Green Bay from the league.
I’m outlawing crappy Super Bowl halftime acts. No more U2, Stones or anything else. At most I’m bringing in a marching band. I’ll play a “Ome Shining Moment” style montage for the networks to use instead. Keep it about the football.