There’s a song I’ve heard about 3 or 4 times a week on the local radio station. I love the unusual harmony and construction of this song, but they never give an intro or outro to it, so I have no clue what it’s called or who does it.
The verses are spoken, rather than sung, and the choruses change slightly with each repetition. The choruses all start with “Here we go riding to the (North/South/East/West) Side…” I know I’ve heard the phrase “love and darkness” in one of the verses.
For some reason, the first name that pops into my mind when I try to figure out who it is is Fatboy Slim, but I’m likely completely wrong.
If anyone can help, I’ll be grateful forever (or for at least a week) :).
Oh, and if you heard it on the radio, it’s the single version with Gwen Stephani (from No Doubt, aka the guest artist du jour) singing along with Moby.
I prefer the album version, which is just Mr. Hall by his lonesome.
Very much appreciated…now at least I know what to buy. It still mystifies me why the one song I wanted to know the name of so badly was the one song they absolutely refused to do an intro or outro on…
Love the harmony and structure, though. It’s not drastically abnormal, but just enough “off” from the usual shite you hear on the radio to catch my ear.
Thank you again. I knew if anyone would know this it would be Dopers…