Hope this is the correct board for this… I hate starting threads because I never know where to put them… Sorry if it’s the wrong one…
Hello All. I’ve noticed a lot of fellow “cat people” here on the board and thought I’d ask for some advice.
In December we adopted two kittens from our local shelter. I’ve always had cats growing up, so I had some idea of what types of food DID NOT work. My mom always fed ours the ‘cheap’ food and of course we had cat hair all over the house. My brother did not have this problem and his cats all had soft coats. His secret? IAMS. So…I started my wonderful babies out on IAMS Kitten food. We haven’t had any problems with hair all over the place and they do have awesome coats. Great, right?
Well…the problem is they eat too much! I’ve tried only giving them the recommended amount, but they are still hungry after that. I’m a sucker and give them more of course…
Another problem we’ve had (and this might be TMI) is the litter box. The boxes are in the downstairs bathroom next to the living room. After they have been in there, we almost have to evacuate downstairs. Its a frenzy to light candles and spray something to cover up the smell. Not only that, but I had always heard that better quality foods DECREASED the amount of waste…I’m not seeing that with our cats…
Anyone have any advice of how to fix these problems? Is there a better brand of food I should try? I’m going to the pet store today to look over the other brands, so I’d appreciate any insight from you guys!