Help with song id

I was walking through a mall store last week and a pop sounding song was playing. The singer was a young woman, and at points she would yell “errr” or “grrr”.

I didn’t think much of it, but I woke up yesterday morning and kept hearing that part of it, so now of course I’m obsessed with finding out the song!

I wanna say she was singing about relationship issues, then let loose with that frustrated shout/scream/whatever.

If someone knows it, I’ll be shocked. Also I’ll be 3 for 3 for nearly impossible song id help success!

Linger, by the Cranberries?

“Want U Back” by Cher Lloyd?

That’s the one! Kinda catchy, in a please-God-I-want-to-bloodily-remove-this-tune-from-my-head!

So, I’m 3 for 3. Woo hoo! Errrr!

I had never heard of Miss Lloyd before, but I clicked on that link… and… it’s a song by a crazy woman about being a crazy woman but she, being crazy, doesn’t realize how crazy she sounds; she just thinks she sounds normal and reasonable.

As such, this is prolly the scariest thing I’ve seen all year.

Dear Og, Why Did I Click That Link? Please someone break it with something REALLY heavy.

In 10 seconds, it made me wonder why the world had never developed a working tranquilizer rifle for human beings.

“But we don’t know whether to load it with Ritalin, Lithium, or Thorzine…”
sounds in the distance coming closer
“Errr…! Errr…! Errr…!”
“Just spin the damn cylinder & fire…!”

With the autotuning, grunts and grrs, jersey shore accent and heavy processing I can’t understand why this talented young lady is getting so much grief in this thread.

Three minutes. This place is amazing.

If you think my three minutes was fast, just imagine how quickly I would have been on it if it had been a Ke$ha song.

Also, don’t ask me to listen to it twice, but that twang is All Bayonne, baby…

Y’know, I never noticed the “grrr!” in the UK version. I listened to enough of it to find out that, yes, it’s there too.

And now I’m deeply amused by the differences in the two videos - is that what our record companies (UK) really think would appeal to the US market?

This partially explains why I rarely go to the mall.