Help with yahoo email?

Trying to log in to a yahoo email acct I’ve used over 15-years, I’m getting msgs like “uh oh, something went wrong, try again later” or “We are unable to process your request at this time–Please try again in 1 hour”

I’ve checked their help, but can’t find anything about this. I can log in using a public library PC, so does this have something to do with my home laptop’s IP address? It’s never been a problem before.

Does yahoo need a “recovery” email and/or phone number? I could give an email acct, but do not want to give a phone number–is this possible?

I’ve had problems with yahoo email ever since Verizon sold yahoo to somebody…coincidentally, I’ve had goofy tracfone problems every since Verizon bought them a few yrs ago–

Thanks for help–

Try using a different browser. I haven’t had this problem with Yahoo mail, but I use Firefox as my primary browser and there are some places where I get a similar message trying to log in, but it works fine on Chrome.
Firefox had a bug (now fixed) which would close the tab when you downloaded an attachment in Yahoo mail.

I had a problem last night which seemed to resolve itself after a couple hours.

Thank you–Was using Firefox; tried Chrome and was able to log in–

I don’t know what’s going on at Mozilla but the quality of Firefox has gone downhill rapidly over the last few years. Anyhow, glad that helped.

I have one problem with Firefox, won’t give me tracking details even when I turn off my ad blocker. So I use Chrome for that one site.

But otherwise I still prefer Firefox, it’s very customizable with many available UI/functional extensions, they at least try to make privacy a priority, and you aren’t giving Google even more data about yourself.

I’d like to revive this thread because of a situation I’ve encountered with Yahoo Mail.

I have several YM accounts, and yesterday one of them refused to let me log in despite my entering the correct password. It wants to send a text to my phone first. Only problem is, the phone number I had on this account (which was created many years ago) is no longer usable.

There doesn’t seem to be anything I can do. Apparently I didn’t create any security questions to answer, or perhaps there’s just no way to prod the system into using that option. And I don’t think I have any other email account linked. So the only choices are use the impossible phone number, or I’m s**t out of luck because Yahoo has the gall to charge for “premium tech support” (which seems to be the ONLY tech support because there’s nothing else besides an idiot chatbot that directs you to useless articles).

Again, I have the correct goddam password. Yet this idiotic system decides to invoke multi-factor security I didn’t request, for no apparent reason, on just one of my accounts. Yes, I know it’s a free service, but come on…

Any help?

Try a different computer, a different browser, make really sure you’re typing the right password and you don’t have Caps Lock on. Sometimes I think websites have a glitch where they don’t accept valid passwords, but if you give it some time they sometimes fix it.

Yahoo locked me out my decade-old email account for 3 years for no apparent reason somewhere around 2015?. I tried everything, repeatedly. There was no way to get help. The only official online suggestion was to try Yahoo Community for answers(!). Emails from my late mother, lots of historical stuff, etc. - all gone. I eventually gave up and went fully over to my other Gmail account. Then one day, it suddenly let me back in - like I’d ever trust it again. Fuckers.

Good luck. I hope it works better for you.

I have gotten back into the account. When I tried it from home (rather than a relative’s home, which is where I experienced the problem) it suddenly behaved normally and let me log in. I can only speculate that the system detected I was using another WiFi network, or maybe it could tell it was not a usual location. I’ve linked the account to another Yahoo account, so hopefully this won’t happen again.

In any case, my rant still stands. This isn’t security - it’s randomly causing problems users can only hope to solve, and there’s no way of getting help. Certain right-wingers I know complain about feeling oppressed by the government. Pfft, I feel more oppressed by private companies doing nonsense like this every damn day.

Had a similar thing happened with a Yahoo email account recently. Cleared my history and did a virus/security scan. I had a message about closing an application(?) before the scan could run. I had no windows open or anything else obvious programs running that I could see. Let the scan close whatever was running and no issues since.

A number of years ago I learned a lesson about using another email account as the security/lost password access. Was in the Caribbean using the resort’s guest computer (no smart phone yet) and tried to access my Yahoo account, told me to log onto my Gmail account due to the unrecognized location to get a passcode. Went to my Gmail account and was told to log onto my Yahoo account to get the passcode due to the same issue. No email for that week.